
发布 2020-10-20 21:34:28 阅读 3596




一、判断下列单词的划线部分读音是否相同 ,用“√”和“×”表示(6分)

) black

) under4. doctor no

)5. see these6. bus up


)1. there __some juice in the shop .

a . is b. h**ec. are

)2. what do they like? they like __

a. picture book b. picture books c. pictures books

) bing and __parents are in the dining-room.

a. her b. their c. his

)4. what’s __the tree ? oh, he’s my brother, mike.

a. at b. onc. in

)5. do you like hamburgers

a. all right. b. no, thanks. c. yes, very much.

)6.__sundays, we can watch tv __the evening.

a. in ,on b. on, in c. at, in

)7. i can the violin . i like the violin .

a. play, play b. play, playing c.

playing, play ( 8.__in your new school bag? there’re many books.

a. what’s b. what’re c. where’s

) i watch tv in the afternoon,but my parents___a. not b. aren’t c. don’t




5. each things四、用所给次的适当形式填空。(8分)

are manygrape) on your plate..

this doll isnancy).

shan’s grandmother likes __read ) in the evening.

youplay) the violin? no, i can’t.

isshe) job? she’s a policewoman.

a desk and a chair in the office.

7. today is theone) day of the new term.

8. now, followi ),please.


)1. su hai is not in school today

a b c d

)2. open your mouth and says “ah

a b c d

)3. can you make a dress with my cat

a b c d

)4. we h**e same age

a b c d

)5. mike, come here and h**e a look at

ab c 六、按要求写词。(8分)





lucy and tom are goodfriend/friends).theyare___for/from) england. they livein/on) nanjing now.

they cansing/sings) chinesesings/songs). they likeskate/skating). they go to schoolby/on) foot.

after school,theymake/ride) model planes. they likechina/chinese) verymany/much).


my name is billy . i’m a boy . i am eleven .

i’m in china now . my father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . i like chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) don’t .

they like bread . i h**e a nice room . there’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it .

there’re many books on the desk . i like books . i often (经常)read books in the evening .

)1. billy is

a. a boy b. eleven c. in china d. a,b and c

)2. billy’s father is

a. a teacher b. a doctor c. chinese d. a worker

)3. billy likes

a. chinese b. chinese food c. bread d. english

)4. billy has aroom .

a. nice b. big c. small d. good




4. note

9. telephone


1.——i like monkey masks. do you like monkey masksno, i don’t .

2.——jim, can you sing the song for us ?

—yes, i can.

3.——what’s under the table?

——there’s a cat .

mum likes cooking. now,she’s cooking.

5.——what do you usually do after class?

——we often do homework and play football.


5a英语期中质量检测 总分100分 班级姓名 得分 一 翻译下列词组。20分 1.一些汤2.show her around 3.刚刚好4.on the second floor 5.太软6.computer rooms 7.吃一些蛋糕8.on the swing 9 一位新学生 s time for...


datedayname 1.太冷。2.正好。3.在森林里。4.一张柔软的床。5.又累又饿。6.在他们之间。7.在我们的前面。8.西方国家。9.一些牛奶。10.感冒。11.两间教室。12.一间新的图书馆。13.去看一看。14.带我看看。15.两名新来的学生。16.太高。17.在第一层。18.再做一次。...


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