
发布 2020-10-20 16:07:28 阅读 9653




)1、a:aab: hhc:

ll()2、a: bbb: ddc:

ee()3、a: iib: eec:

gg()4、a: ddb: ggc:

jj()5、a: twentyb: thirteenc:

sixteen()6、a: flyb: fishc:

form()7、a: motherb: fatherc:

brother()8、a: bigb: pigc:

bag()9、a: agb: fic:

cd()10、a: hkb: ngc:


a: good afternoonb: good morningc:

hi,amy()2、a: he’s my brother b: she’s my mother c:

he’s my father()3、a: i can fiveb: i can see fivec:

i h**e five

)4、a: i’m amyb: my name is amyc: i’m from canada()5、a: thanksb: okc: great


分))1、where are you from ?(2、how many kites can you see ?(3、nice to see you again .

(4、good afternoon .(5、how old are you ?



__ ee __gg __ff __mm __hh __





六、单项选择。(20分)()1、—who’s that boy

a: he’s my brotherb: she’s my motherc: he’s my father

) 2、—how many kites can you see ?

a: i can see 12b: i’m 12c: i can 12

) 3、—let’s fly the kites

a: thank youb: greatc: really

)4、—where are you from ?

a: nice to see youb: i’m chinac: i’m from america

) 5、—i’m sorry.

a: i’m okb: i’m finec: it’s ok

七、从b栏中找出a栏相应的答语,将其标号写在题前的括号里。(10分)a栏b栏()1、where are you from ?a:

he’s my father() 2、who’s that man?b: i h**e 10 fingers.

()3、nice to see you again .c: i’m from china .

(4、how many fingers do you h**e ?d: nice to see you too .

(5、let’s watch tv .e: ok八、情景交际。


)1、如果今天是3月8日,你应该对你的妈妈说a: happy women’s dayb: happy teachers’ dayc:

happy birthday()2、开学时你再次遇到老同学,你该怎样问候他a: hi , mikeb: nice to see you againc:

nice to meet you()3、如果你想知道对方的国籍,你可以问。

a: who are you ?b:

where are you from ?c: what’s your name ?

(4、当你想介绍mike给你母亲认识时,你可以说a: hello , momb: hi , mikec:

mom , this is mike .(5、如果你想别人看看你的新蜡笔,你可以说a: look my crayonsb:

see my crayonsc: look at my new crayons



一、1、aa 2、ee 3、ii 4、jj 5、twenty 6、fish 7、brother 8、big9、fi 10、ng

a c a c ab c a b b )二、

1、good morning

2、who’s this boy ?

3、how many books do you h**e、4、where are you from ?5、happy women’s day( b a c c a )三、

1、where are you from ?

2、how many pens can you see ?3、nice to see you again .4、good afternoon .

5、how old are you ?(四、

dd ff ff hh ee gg ll nn gg ii五、


a a b c c七、

c a d b e八、

a b b c c a


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