
发布 2020-10-20 07:50:28 阅读 5768


a h n e q

n q a h e

二.选择合适的汉语意思 (10分)

)1. usa a. 英国 b. 中国 c. 美国。

)2. she a. 他 b. 她 c. 女孩。

)3. man a. 男人 b. 女人 c. 朋友。

)4. sister a. 哥哥 b. 姐妹 c. 妈妈。

)5. student a. 朋友 b. 学生 c.教师。

三.请选出不同类的一项 (10分)

)1. a. grandpa b. grandma c. teacher

)2. a. boy b. girl c. new

)3. a. teacher b. pupil c. from

)4. a. mother b. father c. woman

)5. a. uk b. canada c. english


)1. muma. mother

)2. womanb. he

)3. fatherc. man

)4. boyd. girl

)5. shee. dad

五 .看图,连线 (10分)


) 1. who’s that manis my father .

b. he c. she’s

) 2. that __is my grandpa .

c. boy

)3. where are you from

a boy . b. i’m in china . c. i’m from the uk .

)4. today we h**e two new

b. friends c .boy

)5. hi ,mum,__she is my friend .

is amy b. he’s john

)6. hi,sam ! this is my friend ,amy

you b .good morning c. nice to meet you

)7. —is that woman ? she’s my teacher .

b. who c. how

)8. who’s that boy ? he’s my___

b. sister c .man

)9. zhang peng __from shandong.

b. is c. are

)10. this __my new teacher .

b. are c. is


)1. 当你想告诉对方你来自中国时,你可以说:__

from the uk . b. i’m from china

) 2. 当你想介绍新朋友amy给你的同学认识时,你应说:

a. this is my new friend ,amy. b. she is amy .

)3. 你想知道**里的男士是不是对方的爸爸,你应该问:

this your mother ? b. is this your father ?

)4. 你想告诉别人这是你爷爷,应该说:

is my grandfather. b. she is my grandmother .

)5. 你不认识篮球场上站的那个男孩,你会问朋友___

that boy ? b. who’s that girl ?


)1. what’s your name ? a. nice to meet you ,too.

) 2. where are you from ? name is mike .

)3. this is my friend, amy. from canada .

)4. who’s that woman ? my mother .

)5. nice to meet you . to meet you .



二.选择合适的汉语意思 (10分)

c b a b b

三.请选出不同类的一项 (10分)

c c c c c


e c a d b

五.看图,连线 (10分)略。


b b c b a c b a b c


b a b a a


b c e d a


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