
发布 2020-10-17 16:28:28 阅读 7462


take a test做小测验 shop for clothes买衣服 go on vacation去度假。

h**e a party进行聚会 get a haircut理发 write letters写信。

see the doctor去看医生 meet some friends与朋友会面。

h**e a picnic去野餐 visit relatives探访亲戚 help dad帮助爸爸 take some photos拍照play with friends和朋友玩 make models制作模型 surf the net上网 read some books看书。

单词和发音 ship船 trip旅游 big大的 pig猪 trick诡计 brick砖。


diary日记 dumplings水饺 doll洋娃娃 dictionary字典 doughnuts炸面饼圈 dollar美元。



掌握句型 1. what are you going to do today? i’m going to write letters.

2. are you going to write to your uncle? no, i’m going to write to my aunt.

3. what are you going to do on vacation? i’m going to surf the net.

4. what are you going to do? i’m going to read some books .

口语训练第四册 book four

1. -what are you doing? -i’m moving my desk.

你在干什么? 我在移动书桌。

2. -what’s he doing? -he’s dancing now.

他在干什么? 他正在跳舞。

3. -are you sleeping? -no, i’m not. i’m thinking.


4. -is he practicing volleyball? -no, he’s not. he’s practicing basketball.

他在练习排球吗? 不,他不在。他在练习篮球。

5. -is she doing the dishes? -no, she’s not. she’s washing the clothes.


6. -are they cleaning the windows? -yes, they are.

他们在擦窗户吗? 是的,他们在。

7. -where are you going? -i’m going to the supermarket.


8. -is she going to the bank? -no, she’s not. she’s going to the park.

她准备去银行吗? 不,她不是。她打算去公园。

9. -are they going to the beach? -yes, they are.

他们准备去海滩吗? 是的,他们是。

10. -what time is it? -it’s 7:10. it’s time to get dressed.


11. -what time do you go to school? -i go to school at 7:30.

你什么时候(几点)上学? 我7:30分上学。

12. -what do you like doing? -i like riding my scooter.

你喜欢做什么? 我喜欢骑踏板滑车。

13. -do you like reading comic books? -yes, i do.

你喜欢读漫画书吗? 是的,我喜欢。

14. -do you like swimming, dancing or reading? -i like swimming.

你喜欢游泳,跳舞还是读书? 我喜欢游泳。

15. -what’s your hobby? -my hobby is ice skating!

你的爱好是什么? 我的爱好是滑冰!



1.我们打算开聚会。 we are going to

2.你们打算今天去买衣服吗? are you going totoday?

3.我有问题。 i h**e some

4.我很烦。你打算今晚做什么啊? i’m . what are you going to do ?

打算写信给他的叔叔。tony is going toto his uncle.

6.他们明天去骑自行车。they are going totomorrow .

7.暑假快来了is coming.

8.你假期准备做什么?what are you going to do


we are going towith my friends this saturday.

10.我打算去看长城。i’m going to see the


)1. —are you going to meet some friends

a. i don’t know. b. no, i can’t. c. no, i don’t.

)2. —what did she do yesterday

a. she’s going to help her mom. b. she helped her mom

c. she helps her mom.

)3. —is he going to tonight? —yes, he is.

a. h**e party b. has party c. h**e a party

)4. jenny is going to meetfriends this week.

a. any b. some c. a

)5. —what are you going to do this friday? —we are going to take test.

a. a b. an c. some

)6. —what are you going to do with your dad? —we are going to

a. shopping b. go shopping c. go shop

)7. —what are they going to do vacation? —they are going to play cards.

a. in b. on c. at

)8. —are you going to make models

a. no, we aren’t . b. yes, we do . c. yes, i do.

)9. —what is he going to do ? he’s going to take some photos.

a. last night b. yesterday c. this saturday

)10. —what is gogo going to do this week? —he’s going to the great wall.

a. see b. look c.




i’m going to shop for clothes.


unit 5 there is a big bed 一 单词。房间里的陈设 clock时钟 plant植物 bottle瓶子 waterbottle水瓶 bike自行车 photo相片。表位置的词 infrontof在 前面 between在 之前 above在 上面 beside在旁边 behin...


unit 5 there is a big bed 一 单词。房间里的陈设 clock时钟 plant植物?bottle瓶子?water?bottle水瓶 bike自行车?photo相片。表位置的词 in?front?of在 前面?between在 之前?above在 上面 beside在旁边 be...


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