
发布 2020-10-11 22:47:28 阅读 1541

小学英语(pep)五年级上册unit 1 测试题。

一。 接龙写单词:横线上写字母,()里写汉语意思。

miss聪明高的) →lady年轻) →go(去) →老的doll喜欢) →eight


strict canada short driver australia strong

uk teacher farmer china quiet principal



and student



) teacher? a. you b. your c. yours

) islike? a. him b. he c. his

) is___english teacher. a. a b. these c. an

)4strong? yes, he is. a. is he b. is his c. is he

)5 who is that

oh, she isprincipal.

a. lady; our b. man; our c. boy; our


is very funnyb. his class is so much fun.

c. he is very active.


she your math teacher? is your new math teacher.

c. is he your new math teacher?


a. let me try. are welcome. cool!


new, your, is, teacher, chinese

very, and, active, she, short

our, is, new, student, music, university, teacher

lady, that, old, who

art, funny, is, teacher, very


( )yes, he is. and he is funny, too.

( )really? what is he like?

( )is he strict?

( )i h**e a new teacher.

( )he is tall and strong.

七。 读短文,判断正误。

i’m sarah. i h**e three teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. my science teacher is mr liu.

he’s tall and thin. my art teacher is miss zhao. she’s pretty and young.

my english teacher is miss sun. she’s an old woman. she’s kind.

)1. i h**e two new teachers.

)2. my art teacher is an old woman.

)3. my english teacher is miss sun.

)4. my science teacher is tall and thin.

)5. miss sun is strict.

八.写作。学校刚来了一位新体育老师mr brown, 他来自美国。这位老师很和蔼,很强壮,也很有趣,大家都喜欢上他的课。



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