
发布 2020-10-10 03:01:28 阅读 1885











1. —what’s your brother lhe’s tall.

2. sis the first day of a week.

3. apple is my f**ourite fl

4. it’s 12:00 now . let’s h**e l together.

5. the trash bin is full . please go and empty the t .

6. these grapes are too s , please give me some sweet grapes.

7. are the sneakers cheap? yes, t a .

8. the orange is tasty. b it is a little sour.

9. your hands are very dirty(脏的) please to and w them.


) 1i often watch tv and read books.

a. what can you dob. what do you h**e on fridays?

c. what do you do on saturdays?

) 2. there is a birdthe river.

a. on b. over c. in

) 3. i watch tvsaturdays.

a. on b. at c. in

) 4. what do you h**e on tuesdays?

a. today is tuesday. b. we h**e cabbage and tofu for lunch.

c. we h**e computer, and math.

) 5. what's your f**ourite fruit?

a. i like mutton. it’s health. b. i like grapes. they are sour.

c. i like grean beans. it’s fresh.

) 6. —tomorrow is tuesday ,what day is it today? —today is

a. monday b. saturday c. wednesday

) 7. theremany small houses in my village.

a. isb. are c. h**e

) 8. whatyou like for dinner?

a. are b. do c. would

) 9. —are you helpful at home

a. yes, i am. b. yes, i can. c. yes, i do.

) 10. are there any tall buildings in the village ?

a. no, there aren’t. b. yes, there is. c. no, there isn’

七、根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,注意大小写。(10分)

1. ayour art teacherb: mr carter.

2. ayour father likeb: he’s tall and strong.

3. a: your english teacher quietb: no,she isn’t.

4. a: _your f**ourite fruitb: i like apples.

5. a: can you dob: i can make the bed.

6. a: can you sweep the floorb: no, i

7. a: _there a bed ,a desk and a big closet in your bedroom? b: yes, there is.

8. a: _there any bridges in your villageb: no, there aren’t.

9. a: _is the red houseb: it’s near the river.

10. amany goats are thereb: there are five.


hello! my name is tom. i like english very much.

my f**ourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. i’m very helpful at home. i can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers.

today is saturday. i often read books, do my homework and watch tv on saturdays. what do you do on weekends?


一 写出近义词。挖掘自豪谨慎鼓励歧途慈祥埋怨昔日悲痛敬仰满怀信心。二 写出反义词。坚定危险自豪精彩严厉虚弱失常熟悉骄傲赞赏幸福得意扬扬。三 填合适的词。的噪声的脊背的眼睛。一诗一自豪感一公司一漆黑一数落。一 一罐头一路线图一病历本。地赶来地拥抱地扫视地把握。地誊写地地指教地断定地鼓励。四 根据意思写...


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