
发布 2020-09-30 07:43:28 阅读 2968



一. 从每组中选出不同类的一个单词,并将编号写在题前的括号中。

)1. a. teacherb. nice c. pupil

( )2. a. longb. wide c. very

( )3. a. kiteb. bread c. rice

( )4. a. homework b. talk c. housework

( )5. a. windyb. cold c. hope

英语互译。1. 做你的家庭作业

2. help children learn

3. 有点儿害羞

4. h**e a picnic

5. 总有一天

二. 写出下列单词相应的形式。

1. will not (缩写形式2. old(反义词。

3. hot(反义词4. strong(比较级。

5. these(单数单项选择。

)1monday i’ll go swimming.

a. inb. onc. at

)2. -what will you do on friday?

a. i will go to the park. b. i’m swimming. c. i’m playing football.

( )3. -will you take your kite?

a. yes, i can. b. no, i won’t. c. yes, i am.

( )4. it’s a book london.

a. ofb. about c. on

( )5. -will it be windy in beijing?

a. yes, it will. b. no, they won’t. c. no, it will.

( )6. the great wall is than the summer palace.

a. younger b. oldc. older

( )7. amy’sthan lingling.

a. tallb. tallerc. longer

( )8. robots will children learn.

a. helpb. helpsc. helping

( )9. -will they do our homework?

a. yes, they aren’t. b. no, they don’t. c. no, they won’t.


)1. the changjiang river a.白金汉宫。

)2. the river thames b.长城。

)3. buckingham palace c.珠穆朗玛峰。

)4. mount qomolangma d.长江。

)5. the great walle.颐和园。

)6. the summer palace f.泰晤士河。

三. 选择正确的答语,并将其序号填在题前括号内。

)1. will you take a ball

)2. what will it do one day?

)3. what will you do tomorrow?

)4. will it be windy in hannan?

)5. is amy older than lily?

)6. what’s that?

)7. is this your house?

)8. why not?

)9. is sam stronger than lingling?

)10. can robots talk?

a. i’ll go to the park.

b. no, i won’t.

c. yes, lily is younger than amy.

d. yes, it is.

e. it will do the housework.

f. yes, it can.

g. no, he isn’t.

h. it’s a robot.

i. because tomorrow is friday.

j. no, it’s the queen’s house.

四. 根据下面地图所提供的信息,填入所缺的单词。

1. will it be in shenyang? yes, it is.

2. it will in beijing.

3. it will in yinchuan.

4. in hangzhou it will be tomorrow.

5. it will be in guangzhou.

6. it will be in sanya.

五. 将下列句子译成汉语。

1. today is wednesday

2. amy is a very clever girl

3. i’ll play with my friend

4. next week is a holiday

5. i’m younger than daming

六. 阅读短文,判断对错,正确的写“t”,错误的写“f”.

mary, lily, tongtong, and sam are in the same school. sam is nine years old. mary is older than sam.

she is eleven. she is taller than sam. lily is younger than mary and sam.

she is eight. but she is taller than mary. tongtong is ten years old.

he is taller than lily.

)1. sam is younger than mary.

)2. mary is taller than lily.

)3. sam and tongtong are younger than mary.

)4. lily is younger than mary.

)5. tongtong is taller than lily.

七. 说话。明天就是周末了,你打算做什么事情?如游泳、去公园、帮妈妈做家务等,模仿课文写出至少与要求有关的4句话。


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