
发布 2020-09-29 22:06:28 阅读 3743



一、 听录音,选择正确的**,把序号填在横线上。(10分)

a.(太阳) b.(雨) c.(云) d.(风) e.(雪)

1. shanghai2. beijing

5. singapore


) art room b. tv room c. washroom d. music room

) light b. white c. right d. night

) skirt b. shirt c. t-shirt d. jacket

) five b. fine d. nine

) 13 b. 30 c. 14 d. 40

) 4:15 b. 4:50 c. 4:13 d. 4:30

) library b. garden c. playgroundd. home

) jeans b. pants c. socks d. shoes

) sheep b. hen c. goat d. cow

) tomato b. potato c. carrot d. onion

二、 听录音,选出正确的图画,并在括号里打“√”10分)


)ok, i'll take it. (how much is it?

)size sixcan i help you?

)what sizeyes, please. i want a pair of shoes.

)it's ninety yuan. (how about this pair?

)yes,mom,i like them.( are they nice, john?


) 1. a. it’s on the desk. b. it’s red. c. it’s a shirt.

) 2. a. no, you can. it’s cold. b. no, you aren’t. it’s cold.

c. no, you can’t. it’s cold.

) 3. a. it’s horse. b. they’re horses. c. two horses.

) 4. a. yes, it is. b. yes, she is c. yes, they are.

) 5. a. i can see 14. b. there are 14 goats. c. i h**e 14.



) 1. what colour is the sweater? a. it’s nine o’clock.

) 2. where is the art roomb. it’s orange and black.

) 3. what's the weather like today? c. it’s on the first floor.

) 4. what's time is it nowd. it’s rainy today.

) they monkeyse. size 6.

) sizef. yes, they are


)'s 10 o'clock. it's time __go to school.

) at the clock, what __is it?

)'s 9:45. it's time __music class.

)'s cold __beijing.

) i wear my t-shirt?__

a. no, you can't. you can't. you can

)6. i like the blue jeansthe pink shirt.

a. for b. to c. with

)7.--where is the teacher’s office?

it’s __the second floor.

a. for b. to c. on

( )8. -what colour

it’s blue.

a. it is b. is it c. are they

)9.--put __your shirt.

ok.a. to b. on c. with

)10is this?

it’s tom’s.

a. what b. whose c. which

)11is this shirt?

it’s red.


小学四年级英语下册期末考试模拟试卷。composed by nec english training center 新世纪英语培训中心编制 一 听力测试,选出你听到的单词 短语或句子 5分 1 a.go campingb going campingc.goes camping 2 a.fromb.f...


人教版新课标四年级英语下册期末考试试卷。学校班级 姓名 分数 考试时量60分钟,满分100分 一 书写,语音。20分 1 按顺序写出字母k t的大小写形式。10分 2 写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。5分 3 下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,用 或 表示。5分 face pig she box 二 词汇...


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