
发布 2020-09-29 20:46:28 阅读 9996




一、 listen and choose . 同学们,请将录音中听到的单词序号填入括号内,答对可得10分哟!)

) 1. a. chinese b. science c. english

) 2. a. aunt b. uncle c. well

) 3. a. autumn b. spring c. summer

) 4. a .windy b. cloudy c. sunny

)5. a. short b. strong c. long

二、listen and tick or cross . 听录音并判断你所听到的句子是否与所给**一致,是在( )内划“t”,不是划“f”。)10分)

三、listen and choose . 听问句,从下面句子中选出正确答句,共10分。)

) 1. a. it will be cloudyb. i like spring.

) 2. a. we sing hereb. we often play basketball here.

) 3. a. i often go skatingb. i can go swimming .

) 4. a .i am writing an email to dad . b. he is a policeman .

) it’s summer . b. we h**e chinese and art on monday.

四、listen and choose . 听录音,选出正确的**,将序号填入题前括号内,共10分。)

a b a b

a b a b

四、listen and number . 根据听到内容的先后顺序,为下面**标上数字序号,共10分!)


一、 read and choose . 找出与其他两个不同类的单词,共10分。)

) 1. a. math b. english c. football

) 2. a. singb. aunt c. dance

) 3. a. swim b. cool c. warm

) 4. a .jumpb. tall c. strong

)5. a. businessman b. gardener

二、 read and choose . 看图,选出正确的句子。)(共10分)

a. my aunt is a nurse .

b. he likes singing .

c. it will be sunny tomorrow .

d. wang hong likes playing the erhu .

三、 read and choose . 根据具体情况选出正确的句子。)(共10分)

1. 当你想知道同学最喜欢的科目时,你可以问。

a. what’s your f**ourite subject

b. what subject do we h**e this morning ?

2. 当别人问你“what’s your hobby ?”时,假如你喜欢剪纸,你可以。

回答。a. she works in a hospital ..b. i like ***** cutting .

3. 当你想知道今天星期几时时,你可以问:(

a. what season is itb. what day is it today ?

4. 打**时你想与wang hong通话,你可以问:(

a . what does wang hong do

b. may i speak to wang hong ?

5. 有人问你“what does your father do ?”时,假如他是厨师,你可以回答:(

a. he’s a cook . b. he’ s playing basketball .

四、read and tick or cross . 读短文判断,与短文内容相符的在( )内划“t”,不符划f”。)10分)

hello , my name is guo yang . today is wednesday . we h**e chinese , math ,english , pe and today .

i like wednesday , because (因为)we h**e pe on wednesday . my chinese teacher is a university student (大学生).she is short .

she likes summer . miss zhang is my english teacher . she has long hair .

she likes winter .mr xu is my pe teacher , he is tall and strong , he is very funny(有趣的). i like my teachers .

1. guo yang has computer on wednesday

2. guo yang likes wednesday .(

3. guo yang’s english teacher likes winter

4. guo yang’s chinese teacher has long hair

5. guo yang’s pe teacher is very funny

五、read and choose . 读句子并将相应的单词写在横线上,共10分)

how’s the weather ? come and watcher tv .

will in shenyang .[

2. it will in suzhou .

will betomorrow .

4. it will beon tuesday .

5. it will be on friday .

四年级语文第三单元导学案 B4版

石横镇小学四年级语文学案。主备人辅备人使用人 课题 9 自然之道 第一课时 学习目标 1.会认写本课的生字,理解 颓废,争先恐后 等词语的意思。2 有感情地朗读课文,理解课文内容,体会文章表达的思想感情,懂得 自然之道 的含义并从中受到启发。3 丰富见闻,激发 大自然规律的兴趣。学习重难点 1 有感...


班级姓名成绩。听力部分 40分 一 根据所听内容,给下列 标上序号。听两遍共8题,每题1分,共8分 二 根据所听内容,判断下列 是否正确,正确的用t 错误的用f表示。听两遍,共8题,每题2分,共16分 三 根据所听问句,选择正确的答句,将其序号填入题前的括号内。听三遍,共6题,每题2分,共12分 1...


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