
发布 2020-09-29 10:32:28 阅读 8859


一、 根据汉语意思写单词。(6分)




) b. aunt c. picture

) b. milk c. brother

) b. dad c. baby brother

) b. nurse c. daddy

) b. father c. sister


ab( )in your baga. a music book.

( )colour is your penb. sure. here you are.

( )many books do you h**e? c. yes, she is.

( )i h**e a lookd. it’s purple.

( )she in the living room? h**e eight.


1. in the classroom

2. thirty white rabbits

3. act like a farmer

4. uncle the three

5. come and meet my family


)1clean the classroom.

a. let we b. let’s me c. let’s

) long hair.

a. h**eb. hasc. h**es

)3is my seat? -it’s near the door.

a. where. b. whatc. who

) many students __in your class?

a. is there b. are there c. there are

)5.—are the keys in your hand? -yes

a. they aren’t b. it is c. they are

)6your uncle? -he’s a driver.

a. who’s b. what’s c. where’s

) h**e many __

a. a friend b. friend c. friends


1. 你妈妈是干什么工作的?她是一名教师。

___your mother? she’s a___

2. 我喜欢鸡肉和牛肉。

i likeand

3. 男孩子们上哪儿去了?

the boys?

4. 那个女孩是谁?

who’s6. 请把铅笔和尺子递给我。

please pass me the __and the


this is my mother. she’s a nurse. she’s quiet.

this is my father. he’s a doctor. he likes painting.

my aunt is a farmer. she likes flowers. my uncle is a driver.

he’s good at sports.

1. my mother is a __and she’s

2. my father likes

3. my aunt is a

4. my uncle is


i’m chinese girl. my english name is lily. i like english very much .

i can speak(说)some english now. i h**e a good friend. her name is ann.

she has long hair and blue eyes. she’s from america. this is my classroom, it’s not big, but it’s nice and clean.

there are twenty-four desks and chairs in it. they are new. i like my classroom very much.

can not speak english

is from england

has blue eyes

classroom is big

are twenty-four chairs in lily’s class


aunt (同音词boy (对应词she(复数h**e(单三。

i(同音词he (形容词性物主代词has (原型we(宾格)


十、作文:my family 17分。 介绍自己的家庭情况,要求最少8句话。语句通讯流利,字迹清楚美观。


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