
发布 2020-09-29 05:25:28 阅读 4481



第二单元《what time is it?》



目录。1.单元内容分析………第 3页

2.第一课时第 4至5页。





专题:what time is it?

1.本单元重点学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型有:what time is it?

it’s ….it’s time for…./it’s time to….a、b部分的let’s talk渗透了几个新的句型,应作为本单元的教学难点。




the 1st lesson: let’s sing let’s learn let’s do

the 2nd lesson: story time let’s talk let’s play

the 3rd lesson: let’s learn let’s chant

the 4th lesson: let’s check let’s talk

the 1st lesson

specific vocabulary: 三会掌握music class, class, english class, breakfast, lunch, dinner

specific target sentences: 听懂及正确回答what time is it? it’s … o’clock. it’s time for …

specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言描述时间及活动。

source of material: 钟、词卡、录音带、

assumptions: 学生已掌握一些数字。

step 1 warm-up

1. sing a song p24


2. ask and answer

t: listen, in my school bag, what’s that? guess.

ss: …t: oh, yes. it’s a clock.


step 2 presentation

1. teach “clock”, o’clock” and review numbers from 1 to 12

2. show the picture of a. let’s learn (just talk)


t: look, this is a timetable of zhangpeng’s day. let’s see. what time is it?

s1: it’s 7 o’clock.

t: good. it’s 7 o’clock.

it’s time for breakfast. time for breakfast. drink some milk.

(结合let’s do呈现词汇句型)

3. show the picture of the words (no words)


t: guessing game—sharp eyes

what time is it?

s: it’s 9 o’clock. it’s time for english class.

t: good. time for english. read and write. (结合let’s do重现词汇句型)

4. show the words and pictures on bb


t: now, matching game.

s: match the words and the pictures

t: ok. read together. (结合let’s do巩固词汇句型)

step 3 practice

1. listen to the tape and read

2. ss read let’s learn together

3. ss do let’s do together

(设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握let’s do和单词。)

step 4 sum up


step 5 homework

1. copy the words two lines

2. read the text

step 6 板书设计。

unit 2 what time is it?

learn let’s do

what time is it?

it’s … o’clock.

it’s time for music class.

classenglish class



the 2nd lesson

specific vocabulary: 掌握music class, class, english class, breakfast, lunch, dinner

specific target sentences: 掌握what time is it? it’s … o’clock.

it’s time for … just a minute. let’s run! go home.

school is over.

specific functional exponents: 通过真实的情景复现第一课时的语言点并加以扩展,提高学生对话的能力。

source of material: 单词卡、人物头饰、录音带、课件。

assumptions: 学生已认读了重点句子,并能简单地描述时间。

step 1 warm-up

1. test

listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,填上所缺的单词或时间。)

1). what is ? it’s o’clock.

2). it’s . it’s time for

3). i h**e class at

4). i go home at


2. ask and answer.

t: what time is it?

s: it’s...

3. let’s play. p17


step 2 presentation

1. 承上启下 ask and answer

t: what time is it now?

s: it’s 5:00.

t: yes. it’s 5:

00. school is over. but wu yifan doesn’t go home.

where does he go? let’s watch cartoon and answer. 整体呈现一次课文。

2. watch again and answer再次呈现课文。

t: who are the two boys?

3. watch again and answer再次呈现课文。

t: when do they go home?


step 3 practice

1. listen to the tape and read.

2. read in role.

game –match the sentences and the pictures


step 4 drill

1. act the dialogue.

2. make a dialogue.

step 5 sum up


step 6 homework

1. read the text

2. make a dialogue.

step 7 板书设计。

unit 2 what time is it?

story time let’s talk let’s play

what time is it?

it’s … o’clock.

it’s time for music class.

classenglish class



just a minute. let’s run!

go home. school is over.

specific vocabulary: 能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bed

specific target sentences: 能够理解并正确使用it’s time to …

specific functional exponents: 掌握单词句型并能吟唱let’s chant的歌谣。

source of material: 单词卡,**, 闹钟, 录音带

assumptions and anticipated problems : 学生之前已经掌握一些有关时间表达的词汇和句型, 本课时要引导学生在此基础上学习新内容,在教学中要保证落实好活动,突破难点。


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