译林版四年级下册英语知识点 1 3单元

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unit1 our school subjects我们学校的课程。

story time pages 6-7】

welcomeback to school, class.欢迎回到学校,同学们。

nice to see you, miss li.见到你很高兴,***。

nice to see you too.见到你们也很高兴。

this is our new timetable. we h**e english, chinese, maths, art, pe, music and science.这是我们的新课程表。


what subjects do you like, wang bing?你喜欢什么课程,王兵?

i like chinese and maths.我喜欢语文和数学。me too.我也是。

what about you, yang ling?你呢,杨玲?

i like english. it's fun.我喜欢英语。它很有趣。

oh! it's time for pe.哦!到上体育课的时间了。

1. let's go to the playground.让我们去操场吧。


art美术 chinese语文 english英语 maths数 music** pe体育science科学。

cartoon time page 9】

hi, lessons do we h**e this morning?你好,比利。今天上午我们有什么课?

hi, bobby. it's monday. we h**e music andmaths.

i like music.你好,博比。今天是星期一。


what lessons do we h**e this afternoon, sam?今天下午我们有什么课,萨姆?

we h**e pe and science. i like pe. it'sfun.我们有体育和科学。我喜欢体育。它很有趣。

ouch! but i don't like that.哎哟!但是我不喜欢那个。

sound time】

a cake蛋糕 grape葡萄 make制作 skate溜冰。

kate,kate,don't skate.凯特,凯特,不要溜冰。

come and make a cake.来做个蛋糕吧。

rhyme time】subjects课程。

music, music, they like music.**,**,他们喜欢**。

chinese, chinese, you like chinese.语文,语文,你(们)喜欢语文。

english, english, we all like english.英语,英语,我们都喜欢英语。

word list unit 1】


welcome back to...欢迎回到see 看见,看到。


maths数学(课art 美术(课)

pe 体育(课music**(课)

science科学(课fun 乐趣,快乐。

go to去playground操场。

lesson 课monday星期一。


unit2 after school

story time】:

hi, mike. let's go and play table tennis.你好,迈克。让我们去打乒乓球吧。

what day is it today?今天星期几?

it's wednesday.今天星期三。

sorry, i h**e a football match today.抱歉,我今天有一场足球比赛。

hi, su and play table tennis.嗨,苏海。来打乒乓球吧。

sorry, i h**e a swimming lesson.抱歉,我有一节游泳课。

what about su yang?苏洋呢?

she has a swimming lesson too.她也有一节游泳课。

what a pity!真遗憾!

what about saturday? we don't h**e any lessons on saturday.星期六怎么样?我们星期六没有课。

all right.好的。


sunday星期日 monday星期一 tuesday星期二 wednesday星期三 thursday星期四。

friday星期五 saturday星期六。

cartoon time】:

get up! get up!起床!起床!

good morning, bobby. when do you get up every day?早上好,博比。你每天什么时候起床?

at six.在六点。

i get up at five!我在五点起床!

what lessons do you h**e today?你今天有什么课?

what day is it?(今天)星期几?

it' s saturday.星期六。

ah! i don't h**e any lessons on saturday!啊!我在星期六没有课!

sound time】a


dad,dad,where's the cat?爸爸,爸爸,猫在**?

where's my cap and where's my bag?我的帽子在**,还有我的书包在**?

song time】

days of the week一星期的七天。

sunday, la, la,la, monday, la, la, la, tuesday, la, la, la, wednesday, thursday, la, la, la, friday,la, la, la, makes a week.星期日,啦,啦,啦,星期一,啦,啦,啦,星期二,啦,啦,啦,星期三,星期四,啦,啦,啦,星期五,啦,啦,啦,星期六。那就组成了一星期。

word list unit 2】

after school放学后go去。

what day is it today?今天星期几? wednesday星期三。


what a pity!真遗憾saturday星期六。

all right.好的sunday星期日。


friday星期五get up起床。


day天。unit3 my day

story time】

i get up at seven. i usually go to school at seven forty. i h**e four lessons in the morning.

i h**e lunch at twelve.我在七点起床。我通常在七点四十分上学。


i h**e two lessons in the afternoon. i play football at four and go home at four forty. i do my homework at five thirty.


i usually h**e dinner at six fifteen and watch tv at seven. i go to bed at nine every day.我通常在六点十五分吃晚饭,在七点看电视。



in the morning在上午 get up起床 go to school去上学 in the afternoon在下午。

play football踢足球 go home回家 i n the evening在傍晚 h**e dinner吃晚饭。

watch tv看电视 at night在夜里 go to bed去睡觉

cartoon time】

i’m hungry,sam.我饿了,萨姆。

when do you h**e dinner every day?你每天什么时候吃晚饭?

at six.六点.

what time is it now?现在几点了?

it’s seven o’clock.七点钟了。

what can you see over there,bobby?你能看见有什么东西在那里,鲍比?

i can see a cake.我能看见一个蛋糕。

what a big cake!好大的一个蛋糕啊!

i like cakes! this cake is nice!我喜欢蛋糕!这个蛋糕太漂亮了!

get up! get up!起床了!起床了!


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