
发布 2020-09-28 22:33:28 阅读 7034

备注:1. words1属于“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)单词,words2要求能熟练认、读、听、说。

2. sentences1要求能理解,熟练掌握并灵活运用。


starter unit


clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform


year tree tea flag best boring


sentences 1:

1. where are you from? 你来自哪儿?

-i’m from australia. i’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。我是新来的同学。

2. what about you? 你呢?

3. let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

sentences 2:

1. h**e you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?

-yes, i h**e. 是的,我有。

2. what is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?

-it is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3. do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?

-no, idon’t. it’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。太单调无趣了。

4. do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们每天都穿校服吗?

-yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。

unit 1 time 时间。


clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike


整点和半点的表达: o’ clock half past


get up go to school h**e lunch do sport go home go to bed


do my homework


sentences 1:

1. 询问时间。

what time is it? =what’s the time? 现在几点了?

-- it’stwoo’clock. 现在是2点钟。

---it’s half past twelve.现在是12点半。

2. what time do you …?你几点做。?

-i… at half past six. 我6点半做…

--i….at six o’clock. 我6点做…

例:what time do you get up? 你几点起床?

---i get up at half past six. 我6点半起床。

what time do you go to school?你几点去上学?

--i go to school at seven o’clock. 我7点钟去上学。

what time do you h**e lunch?你几点吃午饭?

--i h**e lunch at twelve o’clock.我12点钟吃午饭。

what time do you do sport?你几点做运动?

--i do sport at four o’clock. 我4点钟做运动。

what time do you do your homework?你几点做你的家庭作业。

--i do your homework at seven o’clock.我7点钟做我的家庭作业。

what time do you go to bed?你几点睡觉?

--i go to bed at half past nine. 我9点半去睡觉。

3. h**e/has got (有)

当句子主语是第三人称单数(he/she/ it)时,用has got;

当句子主语是第一人称i/we,第二人称you和第三人称复数时,用h**e got

例:i’ve (i h**e got) a clock. 我有一个时钟。

you’ve (you h**e got)got a clock. 你有一个时钟。

he’s (he has got)got a clock. 他有一个时钟。

she’s (she has got)got a clock. 她有一个时钟。

4. how many… are there in a/an …?一….有多少….?

---there are …in a …

例:how many days are there in a week? 一周有多少天?

--there are seven days in a week. 一周有7天。

how many hours are there in a day? 一天有多少个小时?

--there are twenty-four hours in a day. 一天有24小时。

how many minutes are there in an hour? 一小时有多少分钟?

--there are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有60分钟。

sentences 2:

1. it is half past three on the clock on the table. 在桌子上的时钟现在是3点半。

2. one is… the other is….一个…另外一个….

one is on the floor, the other is on a chair. 一个(钟)在地板上,另外一个在一把椅子上。

3. that can’t be the time. 不可能是那个时间。

4. your watch is 30 minutes slow. 你的表慢了30分钟。

5. what’s the time on your watch, dad? 爸爸,你的表现在几点了?

6. at two o’clock my crazy clock strikes four. 2点钟时,我那疯狂的中报时四下。

unit 2 friends 朋友。


music sport spider kite butterfly (butterflies) wolf (wolves)


rat cap fruit apple pineapple pear banana grape


orange subject chinese maths english science art pe


family name


groupteam american football later



my best friend play together at diana’s place a white dog give ….to

我最好的朋友一起玩在diana 家一只白色的狗把……给。

句型1:1. what do you like? i like books and dogs.


2. what does she/he like? she/helikes music and sport.


3. what’s his name?his name is terry.


4. who’s your best friend? anna is my best friend.

你最好的朋友是谁? 是anna

5. how old is she? she is nine years old.


6. how old are you? i am eleven.


7. when is her birthday? her birthday is in april./ it’s in april.


8. what’s her f**ourite food? her f**ourite food is pizza.

她最喜欢的食物是什么? 她最喜欢比萨。

9. what has he got? he has got a cat.


句型2:1. he likes basketball best. 他最喜欢篮球。

2. is his f**ourite basketball team.


3. can you come to my place this afternoon? no, i can’t.

你今天下午去我家吗不, 我不去。

going to diana’s.


5. are you all right? yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

你还好吗是的。 /不。


2012 2013学年度第二学期。英语学科四年级 单词拼写 竞赛。得星数。根据下面给出的中文意思写出英语单词。共50 每个单词0.5 放跳舞海滩书桌公园。正在剪正在谈话画图兔子正在想。饥饿的听医院脚去 直尺正在喊叫正在工作美术星期日。移动正在跑步有正在睡觉买。口想要沙发正在玩正在吃。小汽车正在写在 ...


1 卧室 客厅 厨房里有什么?2 有一台电脑 一台电视 一张桌子 一个钟表 一把扶手椅。3 有两个沙发 四把扶手椅 三个风筝 五个气球。4 我们班有52名学生。5 我的铅笔盒里有一支铅笔。1.我能为你做些什么?整理床铺。洗茶杯。擦桌子和椅子 拖地。盖上电脑 擦窗户。把画挂到墙上。2.几点了?七点了。...


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