小学语文 第六单元自测题 新人教版四年级上

发布 2020-09-26 01:34:28 阅读 5564



y-o-b r-u-n-e-s o-r-d-c-o-t


r-e-t-s-i-s f-a-r-e-r-m e-r-t-h-f-a二、找出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)( b. aunt c.

picture( )b. milk c. brother( )b.

dad c. baby brother( )b. nurse c.

daddy( )b. father c. sister

三、请在b栏中找出与a栏问句中相应的答语,并将其序号写在题前的括号里。(10分)a b

) in your bag? a. a music book.

) colour is your pen? b. sure.

here you are.( many books do you h**e? c.

yes, she is.( i h**e a look? d.

it’s purple.( she in the living room? h**e eight.


1. in the classroom2. thirty white rabbits3. act like a farmer4. uncle the three

5. come and meet my family


)1clean the classroom.

a. let we b. let’s me c. let’s

) long hair.

a. h**e b. has c. h**es

)3is my seat? -it’s near the door.

a. where. b. what c. who

) many students __in your class?

a. is there b. are there c. there are

)5.—are the keys in your hand? -yes

a. they aren’t b. it is c. they are

)6your uncle? -he’s a driver.

a. who’s b. what’s c. where’s

) h**e many __

a. a friend b. friend c. friends



___your mother? she’s a___


i likeand


the boys?



please pass me the __and the


this is my mother. she’s a nurse. she’s quiet.

this is my father. he’s a doctor. helikes painting.

my aunt is a farmer. she likes flowers. my uncle is a driver.

he’s good atsports.

1. my mother is a __and she’s

2. my father likes

3. my aunt is a

4. my uncle is


i’m chinese girl. my english name is lily. i like english very much .

i canspeak(说)some english now. i h**e a good friend. her name is ann.

she has long hair andblue eyes. she’s from america. this is my classroom, it’s not big, but it’s nice andclean.

there are twenty-four desks and chairs in it. they are new. i like my classroom verymuch.

can not speak english. (

is from england. (

has blue eyes. (

classroom is big. (

are twenty-four chairs in lily’s class. (


班别姓名成绩。一 我看拼音写词语。10分 g j n ng ch ng zhi li o sh c i sh j n zhu ng ji ch ng k i l o sh w ng lu ji t ng 二 我会比一比,再组词。8分 殖遐曾县 值假增悬 抵较语恋 低校悟峦 三 给加点的字选择正确读音...


初中语文试卷。灿若寒星整理制作。八年级语文下册第六单元诊断自测题。卷面书写 腹有诗书气自华,一笔好字闯天下。亲爱的同学们,此题不需专门作答,只要做到书写规范 工整,卷面整洁就可得分,相信你一定会珍惜这次机会!一 积累运用。1 下列加点字注音全对的一项是 a 犬牙差互 c 往来翕忽 x 觥筹交错 g ...


第六单元测试题。一 语言积累与运用 30分 1.给下列加点的字注音。6分 公正不阿 罕见 熟稔 卷帙浩繁 堕落 自诩 2.下边词语中有四个错别字,找出来并订正。4分 3.下面语段中有三处表达错误,请把它们找出来,并加以改正。3分 创建文明城市不仅能够提升市民精神生活的品位,而且可以进一步完善城市基础...