人教版小学四年级英语上册期中试卷 3

发布 2020-09-26 00:43:28 阅读 9839





)二、按要求写单词。(10分) (完整形式。

(反义词)__3. let’s (完整形。




b. science

c. sportsc. bed

d. haird. pend. friend

b. chair

b. c. classmate

c. tall

d. thind. fifty

b. paintingc. thirty

四、将序号填在括号内。(10分)()1. i h**e a new friend.()2. play computer game.()his name?


) 4. my friend is strong.

) 5. he likes 他叫什么名字。

五、选择题,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。(30分)()new classroom.

a. h**e

b. has

c. there is

)2. letclean the window.

a. web. i

c. me) h**e a lookthe picture.

a./b. at

c. inb. likes

c. is)4. like

) seat?a. is() black h**e() morning

b. amc. are

c. has

b. like

a. miss whiteb. miss white c. miss white

)8.__nice!a. how

b. what

c. how many

)9. can youthese words?

a. spellb. spelling

c. to spell

b. two

c. too

)10. my schoolbag is___to()1150 yuan.

a. how manyb. what many c. how much() your bag.

a. amb. is

c. are

) black hair.

a. hasb. h**ec. is

) friend __sports.

a. like

b. likes

c. to like

b. are

c. is) am


ab)1. how much is it?()2. where is my pen?()3. who is he?

a. thank you.


is my brother.

)4. what’s twenty plus ten?()5. sure. here you are.

d. thirty.

in your desk.

七、连词成句,注意标点符号。(10分)1. look,let’s,h**e,go,a,and

2. many,i,books,my,h**e,in,schoolbag3. do,h**e,how,notebooks,many,you4.


5. what’s,name,his


my name is linda. i am from canada. i’m eleven years old.

i h**e a best name is amy. she has long black hair. she has around face.

they are two big blueeyes, a small mouth, and a big nose on it. she is very quiet. she is thin.

she likesmusic. i like her best. do you make friends with amy?

1. my name is amy.()2.

linda comes from canada.()3. amy is linda’s best friend.

()4. linda has long black hair.()5.

amy is very strong.()


2010 2011学年第一学期四年级英语期中测试卷。班级姓名分数。笔试部分 60分 五 在四线格上正确书写所给字母的小写或大写。0.5 20 10分 六 选出一个与其它三个不是同一类的单词,并将其序号填入括号里。2 5 10分 d.strong book 七 从b栏选出与a栏问句对应的答句,将序号填...


大安小学2014 2015学年度。学校班级姓名得分 一 为 选择合适的单词,并将其字母标号填在相应的括号内。10分 desk 二 把下列短语与其相应的汉语意思连起来。8分 turn on the light打开门。put your maths book in your bag张贴 open the ...

人教版小学四年级英语上册期中试卷 2

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