四年级第一学期总复习 句型

发布 2020-09-22 17:57:28 阅读 4415

班别姓名:1. -let’s clean the classroom. 让我们一起打扫教室。

---ok./all right./great./good idea. 好的。/好主意。


①--where’s my seat? 我的座位在**? (where’s = where is)

---it’s near the door. 我的座位在门的旁边。

---where is she/he?她在**?

--she’s/he’s in the kitchen.她在厨房。

---where are the keys/they? 钥匙在**?

--they’re on the door.他们在门上。

3. -what colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?

---it’s black and white. 它是黑、白色的。

4. -may/can i h**e a look?我可以看一看吗?

--sure. here you are.可以。给你。

5. -how many books do you h**e?你有多少本书?

--i h**e 6.我有6本。

6. -how many english books can you see?你能看见多少本英语书?

--i can see ten.我能看见10本。

has short hair.他/她/迈克留着一头短发。(he/she/mike是第三人称单数,后面的动词要加s, 如h**e变成has, like 变成likes, look变成looks)。

例如:he/she/mike likes music. 他/她/迈克喜欢**。 he/she/mike looks young.

8. -what’s his/her name?他/她的名字叫什么?

---his/her name is zhang peng /amy.他/她的名字叫张鹏/艾米。

9. -what’s thirteen plus seven? =what’s thirteen and seven? 十三加七等于多少?

---it’s twenty. 等于二十。

10. 一般疑问句:用is ,am或are开头的并可以用yes或no回答的句子,如:

① -is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧房吗?

---yes, it is. 是的。(肯定回答) no, it isn’t.不是。(否定回答)

--is she/he in the living room? 她/他在客厅吗?

---yes, she/he is. 在。(肯定回答) no, she/he isn’t.不在。(否定回答)

--is this your mother/father? 这是你妈妈/爸爸吗?

---yes, she/he is. 是的。(肯定回答) no,否she/he isn’t.不是。(否定回答)

--are they on the table?他们在饭桌上吗?

---yes, they are. 在。(肯定回答) no, they aren’t.不在。(否定回答)

11. -what would you like ( for dinner/lunch/breakfast) ?晚餐)你喜欢吃些什么?

---i’d like some rice and soup.我想(喜欢)吃些米饭和喝点汤。

12. -good morning /good afternoon./good evening晚上好!/good night.晚安!

-- good morning /good afternoon./good evening晚上好!/good night.晚安!

13. -how many people are there in your family?你家有多少人?

---three. my parents and me.有三个人。我的父母和我。

14. -what’s your father?你爸爸做什么的?

---my father is a doctor.我爸爸上位医生。

15.--who’s this man/woman?这个男人是谁?

---he’s/she’s my uncle/aunt.他是我的叔叔。


)1. -let’s go to the living room

a. watch tvb. good ideac. okd. b and c

) 2. -where’s your aunt

a. in the doorb. in the kitchenc. from america

) 3they are yellow and blue.

a. what are theyb. what colour are they c. who are they

) 4. -what’s the boy in the picture

a. he’s my brother b. she’s my friend c. he’s a student

) 5. how manyare there in smith’s family?

a. memberb. peoplec. peoples

) 6i h**e forty-four.

a. how many windows do you h**e b. how many rooms can you see

c. how many members are there

) 7. -what’s __name, katemr. black.

a. he’sb. herc. hisd. she’s

) 8. -what’s forty andit’s fifty.

a. tenb. your auntc. the ten

) 9that your grandpayes

a. do, he isb. are, she is c. is, he is

) 10the woman near the door

a. where’sb. whatc. who’s

) 11. what would you like __breakfast?

a. atb. forof


module 1 1.where does she live?她住在哪?2.she lives in london.她住在伦敦。3.it was my birthday on saturday.上 星期六是我的生日。4.i m from china.我来自中国。5.i ve got a new fr...


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学年度第一学期四年级语文期末总复习 一 第一单元

2015 2016学年度第一学期四年级语文期末总复习 一 第一单元。姓名班级家长 老师 签名。一 课文内容回顾。1 观潮 记叙了作者耳闻目睹的景象,写出了大潮的表达出作者的由衷赞叹。2 雅鲁藏布大峡谷 为我们描绘了大自然留给我们的珍贵遗产。的景色,让我们感受到了大自然的神奇魅力,表达了作者的思想感情...