
发布 2023-01-18 11:05:28 阅读 5301


1. can you/he/she….?你/他/她会…?)yes, i/he/she can; no, i/she/he can’t.

can 表示能,会; can’t 则表示不能,不会。如 i can run.(我会跑); he can’t fly.(他不会飞)

2. peter is writing.(皮特正在写作)

表示正在发生或进行的动作,使用现在进行时态,这种时态的构成就是am/is /are+动词ing形式。 am与i(我) 联合使用,are 与you(你),及复数we(我们)you(你们)they(他们/它们)/these(这些)those(那些)…联合使用,其余的表示单个物体的都与is联合使用。

example: i am swimming.(我在游泳); he is running(他在跑步); you are sweeping.

(你在扫地) they are sleeping(他们在睡觉).

如果是一般疑问句(只能用yes/no回答的问句)的话,则把am/is/are 提到句首。

example: am i swimming?(我在游泳吗?)—yes,you are./no, you aren’t.

is he running?(他在跑步吗?)—yes,he is./no, he isn’t.

are you sweeping?(你在扫地吗?)—yes, i am./ no, i’m not.

are they sleeping?(他们在睡觉吗?)—yes, they are./ no,they aren’t.


example: what is anne doing? (anne在做什么?) she is swimming.

where are you going?(你现在要去**?)—i am going to the post office.

3. words and phrases.(单词和短语)

shoe鞋; cupboard衣柜; glasses眼镜; busy忙碌; climb爬; write in english用英语写信; ****** a boat做小船; ****** a kite做风筝; playing the piano弹钢琴; ****** a pie做馅饼; baking a cake烤蛋糕; mess混乱; sleeping睡觉; working工作; sweeping扫; cooking做饭; painting画; hopping单足跳; dancing跳舞; paly basketball打篮球; skipping跳绳; walk走; go去; come来; post office邮局; sunday星期日; monday星期一; tuesday星期二; wednesday星期三; thursday星期四; friday星期五; saturday星期六; spring春; summer夏; autumn秋; winter冬; from来自; china中国; canada加拿大; india印度; america美国; australia澳大利亚; france法国; how much多少钱; lollipop棒棒糖; leg腿; foot(feet)脚; finger手指; knee膝盖; puppet木偶; hold握住; ticket票; hurry匆忙; shirt pocket衬衣口袋; sock袜子; give给; any少许; money钱。


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