
发布 2020-09-14 23:44:28 阅读 9160

lesson 131 don’t be so sure!

一、 单词讲解。


egypt n. 埃及。


abroad adv. 国外。

eg. he lived abroad for much of his life. 他的一生大半是在国外度过的。

go abroad 到国外。

tr**el abroad 到国外旅行。

study abroad 到国外留学。

from abroad 从国外来的,从海外来的。

eg. he just returned from abroad. 他刚刚从国外回来。


worry v. 担忧,使烦恼,使焦虑。

eg. what’s worrying you?

worried adj. 烦恼的,焦虑的。

a worried look 担心的神色。

worriless adj. 无忧无虑的。

worrying adj. 是人烦恼的(主语为物)


question: what’s the problem about deciding on a holiday?

where are you going to spend your holidays this year, gary?

be going to 将来时态的表达方式之一,表示打算,计划或安排去做某事。

spend v. 花费时间,金钱,度过时光,假日等。

spend….on sth

spend ….in) doing sth

she spends a lost of money on clothes. 她把大量的钱花在(买)衣服上。

i spend one hour on sport every day. 我每天花1小时做体育运动。

the headmaster has to spend 3 hours a day talking to teachers and parents.

we’ll h**e to spend 200 dollars(in)getting our car repaired.



spend + n.(时光,假日)+地点状语。

i spent my childhood in a small town. 我在一个小城镇度过了我的童年。

i am going to spend my holidays in sydney. 我打算到悉尼度假。

we may go abroad. i’m not sure. my wife wants to go to egypt.

i’d like to go there, too. we can’t make up our minds.

may 情态动词“可能,也许,或许“

it may snow tomorrow. 明天也许会下雪。

if i’m busy, i may not go. 如果我忙的话,也许就不去了。story

the story may or may not be true.

i’m not sure. 我不肯定。

be sure 肯定。

be sure of/ about + n. 对…有把握。

be sure that…. 肯定,确信。

be sure to do 肯定,一定,务必。

he is sure of success.

we are sure that he is innocent.

be sure to call me at 5 o’clock.

for sure 肯定的,有把握的。

they will be here for sure in half an hour.

i don’t know for sure that he is dead.

make sure 设法做到。

please make sure that the house is properly locked.

to be sure 确定,的确,固然,后面多接but(口)

to be sure, he is kind. 的确,他心肠好。

father isn’t rich, to be sure, but he is a gentleman.


sure (口语)“当然可以”相当于certainly

may i open the window? sure!

want to do sth 想做某事。

would like to do sth 愿意做某事,想做某事。

would you like to h**e a look at your room? 你想看看你的房间吗?

i’d like to spend my holidays with my parents.

i’d like to h**e my car repaired today.

would like sth 想吃(喝,得到)某物。

would you like a cup of tea?

would you like a tie to match your shirt?

make up one’s mind 下决心,决定。

相当于decide,常跟to do sth ,表示决心或决定去做某事。

i h**en’t make up my mind yet. 我还没打定主意。(yet用在否定句中表示还)

we h**e made up our minds to get rid of this guy. 我们决心把这个家伙除掉。

get rid of 除掉,去掉。

will you tr**el by sea or by air? 选择疑问句要求答话人在两个或更多人或事物中做出选择,不能用yes 或no 作回答。

would you like some bananas or apples? 你想吃香蕉还是苹果?

i’d like an apple. 我想来个苹果。

will you tr**el by sea, by air or by train? 你们要乘船,乘飞机,还是乘火车?

we’ll go by train. 我们乘火车去。

are you a doctor, a teacher or a scientist? 你是医生,老师还是科学家?

none of them. i am a student. 都不是,我是学生。

it’s cheaper, isn’t it?

it’s cheaper = it’s cheaper to tr**el by sea than by air.



反意疑问句要用yes 或no作出回答,肯定与否要据事实来确定,不受问句中肯定与否定的影响。

you are a student, aren’t you? 你是学生,不是吗?

yes, i am.是的,是。

no, i’m not. i am a dentist.

you aren’t married, are you? 你没结婚吧,结了吗?

yes, i am. i married early. 不,我结婚了,我结婚比较早。

you won’t tr**el by sea, will you? 你不会乘船去吧,会吗?

yes, i’ll go by sea. 不,我要乘船去。



i didn’t say anything, did i ? 我什么也没说,说了吗?


no, you didn’t.(事实是你什么也没说,所以你的说法是对的。)


i told you that many times, didn’t i ? 我告诉过你好多遍了,不是吗?

yes, you did. 是的,你告诉我好多遍了。


it may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.

take 花费,占用。


it takes sb some time to do sth 做某事占用了某人…时间。

it took me 1 hour to do the job. 做这件事用了我1小时的时间。

take 表示的是时间的占用,具有客观性,而spend表示人对时间有意识的花费,具有主观性,i spent one hour doing the job. 我花了1小时来做这项工作。(时间是由我控制的)

take也可表示花费时间,但结构必须是: take some time to do sth

it took me 1 hour to do the job.

it took the worker a lot of time to move the box into the room.

the worker spent a lot of time moving the box into the room.

the worker took a lot of time to move the box into the room.

it takes a long time=it takes a long time to tr**el by sea.

i’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves. 宾语从句,you’ll enjoy yourselves 作sure的宾语。

enjoy oneself=h**e a good time 玩得愉快。


lesson 1 excuse me excuse me.1 引起对方注意时。2 常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。excuse us for a moment.对不起,让我们单独聊会。sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时。me pron.我...


lesson 1 excuse me excuse me.1 引起对方注意时。2 常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。excuse us for a moment.对不起,让我们单独聊会。sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时。me pron.我...


lesson 1 excuse me 一 单词讲解。1 excuse 1 v.原谅。eg.excuse me.请原谅,劳驾。2 n.借口。eg.its an excuse.那是一个借口。2 mepron.我 宾格 用来做宾语的。eg.he loves me.他爱我。eg.she cheats me....