
发布 2020-09-14 23:48:28 阅读 5902

lesson 51 a pleasant climate

一、 单词讲解。


greece n. 希腊(国名)

eg. where does jim come from?

eg. jim comes from greece.

eg. where is jim from?

he’s from greece.

greek n. 希腊人(国箱) adj. 希腊的。

eg. what nationality is mr. white?

he is greek.

eg. i am a greek engineer.

eg. are they greek doctors?

yes, they are.

no, they aren’t.


climate n. 气候。

eg. what’s the climate like in your country?

eg. i don’t like the climate here.


country n. 国家。

eg. china is a big country.

eg. do you like this country?

yes, i do.



1) adj. 天气宜人的。

eg. it’s quite pleasant today.

2) adj. 令人愉悦的。

eg. what a pleasant surprise! 多么好的一个惊喜呀!

eg. the flower gives off a pleasant smell. 这支花散发出一种令人愉悦的香味。

3)adj. 可亲的,友好的。

eg. her mother is a pleasant woman.

eg. wendy is very pleasant.

a pleasant smile


weather n. 天气(短时间内天气变化)

climate n. 气候(长时间的天气状况)

eg. what’s the weather like today?

good weather 好天气=nice weather

weather forecast 天气预报。

weather bureau 气象局。

under the weather: not very well or happy 感觉不是很好或不是很高兴。

weather beaten:岁月侵蚀的,饱经风霜的。

the weather beaten rocks:风雨侵蚀的岩石。

a weather beaten face:沧桑的脸。



1) n. 春季。

eg. my father likes spring.

eg. do you like spring?

yes, i do.

no, i don’t.

2) n. 弹簧。


windy adj. 有风的。

eg. what’s the weather like today?

eg. it’s windy.

wind n. 风。

eg. there is much wind today. 今天风很大。

a gust of wind 一陈风。


warm adj. 温暖的 (cold,cool)

eg. the weather is getting warm. 天气正在变暖。

warm-hearted adj. 热情的,富有同情心的。

eg. her parents are warm-hearted.

eg. her husband is a warm-hearted man.

warm-up n.准备活动,热身。


rain1) n. 雨。

in the rain 在雨中。

eg. a group of children are running in the rain.

a he**y rain 一场大雨。

a light rain 一场小雨。

a fine rain 一场细雨。

a rain of 雨点般的,形容多的事物。

a rain of bullets 一阵弹雨。

a rain of congratulation 一连串的祝福。

2) v. 下雨。

eg. it is going to rain. 要下雨了。(it 指天)

eg. it rains in. 漏雨了。

eg. it never rains but it pours. (一般指坏的事情)不发生则己,一但发生就接踵而来。


rainy adj. 下雨的,多雨的。


sometimes adv. 有时。

eg. her boyfriend is sometimes very strange. 她的男朋友有时很奇怪。

eg. we sometimes go to the countryside. 我们有时去乡下。

sometimes 在句中的位置“动前系后”,在实义动词前面,系动词的后面。


summer n. 夏天。

in summer 在夏季。


autumn n. 秋天(br)

fall n. 秋天(am)

in autumn 在秋季。

in late autumn 在晚秋。


winter n. 冬天。

in winter


snow v. 下雪。

eg. it is snowing. 正在下雪。

snowman 雪人。

snow-white 雪白的。

snowy adj.下雪的,多雪的。

snowy weather 雪天。

-12月。january n.1月。

february n.2

march n.3

april n.4

may n.5

june n.6

july n.7

august n.8

september n.9

october n.10

november n.11

december n.12

in january /february ….



1. what’s the climate like in greece? 希腊的天气怎么样?

it’s very pleasant.

2. does it ever snow in greece? 希腊下过雪吗?

yes, it does. it snows sometimes.

where do you come from? /where are you from?

i come form greece. /i am from greece.

his grandfather is from sweden. 他爷爷是瑞典人。

或者his grandfather comes from sweden.

what’s the climate like in your country?

what’s your brother like? 你的兄弟是什样子的?人物的外观和品性。

what’s your house like? 你的房子是什么样子?


it’s very pleasant

pleasant 宜人的,天气非常好。

it 指天气。

what’s the weather like in spring?

what’s…like? 用于询问事物的状况或人物和事物的外观及特征等。

like prep.

what 作like 的宾语。


in april in june

often 经常/ always 总是/ sometimes 有时都是频度副词。

it’s always hot in june, july and august.

it 指the weather

is it warm today?

the sun 单数名词,故动词用第三人称单数形式,即在shine后面加s.

世界上独一无二的东西前要加定冠词,如: the earth.

it’s always warm in september and october.

always adv. 总是,一直。

小结:1. where do/does + 人名 + come from?/ where is/are + 人名 + from?

回答:人名 +come(s) from + 地点名词。

人名 + be from + 地点名词。

一般问名:do/does + 人名 + come from + 地点名词?

be + 人名 + from + 地点名词?

否定形式:人名 + don’t/doesn’t come from + 地点名词。

人名 + be not from + 地点名词。

2. what’s … like…?


what’s the weather like in your country?

lesson 52 what nationality are you?

where do they come from?

一、 单词讲解。


the 美国(国名)

the untied states of america 美利坚合众国。

american n. 美国人(国籍)adj. 美国的。

eg. where does he come from?

he comes from the

eg. what nationality are they?

they are american.


brazil n. 巴西(国名)


lesson 1 excuse me excuse me.1 引起对方注意时。2 常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。excuse us for a moment.对不起,让我们单独聊会。sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时。me pron.我...


lesson 1 excuse me excuse me.1 引起对方注意时。2 常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。excuse us for a moment.对不起,让我们单独聊会。sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时。me pron.我...


lesson 1 excuse me 一 单词讲解。1 excuse 1 v.原谅。eg.excuse me.请原谅,劳驾。2 n.借口。eg.its an excuse.那是一个借口。2 mepron.我 宾格 用来做宾语的。eg.he loves me.他爱我。eg.she cheats me....