
发布 2020-08-23 06:39:28 阅读 4790


一、判断下列单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”或“x”表示。1. bear pear()2.

broom classroom()3. maps balloons()4. think those()5.

visit with()6. play may()

7. month tonight()8. light bright()9.

holiday monday()10. usually blue()二.找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。()1.

do you likes your present?yes,i do.()2.

d**id watching tv with his sister now.

)3. we can ate lots of delicious food on children‘s day.()4.

what’s you f**ourite subject?

)5. she plant many trees with her friend last week.()6.

jane go to school on foot every day.()7. spring festival is very interesting.

)8. there are two rolls of film on the ground.三、英汉互译。

1. january or february 2.去年国庆节3. dress up 4.赏月。

5. go out to beaches 6.去游泳7. police station 8.玩灯笼。

9. give presents to your friends 10.上个周末11.

in front of me 12.看一场电影13. this afternoon 14.

浇花。15. play the violin 16.一个美丽的茶壶17. point to that dog 18.不用谢。

19. at the back of the bus 20.一棵圣诞树21.下车22.一个来自妈妈的礼物四.用适当的介词填空。

with,for,out,up,of,at,in,on,by,down1. there is a big apple tree in front __my house.2.

i had a big lunch __my parents.

3. it‘s time for blowing __the candles.

4. jump up andten times next to your seat.5. they were at school10:25.

6. my father goes to work __bike every day.7. stand __a line,please.

8. they played football __friday afternoon.

pick __the pen on the ground __me


module 1

long/how old的特殊疑问句。

问某物有多长我们可以用how long…….

how long……?还可以用来询问时间长短。后面的be动词随着人称和数的变化而变化。

主要构成方式:how long +be动词+物体。

举例:how long is the great wall?长城有多长?(注意长城前要加the ,并且要大写)

how long are roads?这些路有多长?

sb about sth


举例:tell me more about china告诉我更多关于中国的东西。


举例:i told my adress to amy.我把我的地址告诉了amy。ask……about…..询问某人关于某事。

举例:i asked amy about chinese food.我问amy关于中国食物的事情。

3. tall和high

它们都是用来形容“高的”,”tall”主要用来形容人的身高,而”high”形容建筑、山等物体高。举例:you are so tall.你真高。

there is a high hill.那儿有一座高山。



i t’s about six thousand seven hundred million!north↑


module 21.

there is/was, there are/were

there be”句型是表示“某地(场所)有/存在某物”。”there is/are”的be动词部分随后面名词的不同而变化。

举例:there is a chinatown in new york.在纽约有个唐人街。(因为唐人街只有一个所以be动词用is)

there are lots of chinese shopsand restaurants .那儿有许多中国商店和餐馆(因为商店有许多,所以be动词用are)there be句型的过去时态的肯定句式是:there was/were…..


举例:there was a man under the tree.当时那儿有个男人there were so many people in the park.



the changjiang river长江the tian’an men square天安门广场。

the west lake西湖。

the huangshan mountain黄山the great wall长城注意要大写moudle 3

stamps is my hobby.


seeing is believing .眼见为实。module 4

do you do on thanksgiving day!你在感恩节打算做什么?注意:在什么节日要用on问你喜欢什么东西的句型:

what’s your f**orite festival?你喜欢的节日是什么?thanksgiving day is my f**orite day.

what’s your f**orite book?你喜欢的书是什么?

2. that sounds nice.听上去不错。

autumn day中秋节module 5

pleased to meet you = nice to meet you

can you speak english?


例子:can i write to your friend ?肯定回答:

yes ,youcan回答问题:no ,youcan’tcan you speak english?yes,i can speak some can’t

who can be your pen friend?谁能成为你的笔友?


表示成为的意思。module 6







daming has got a chinese kite .大明已经有一个中国的风筝了i ‘ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.有已经有一把小刀、一把勺子、和一双筷子了。

we h**e got some apples.我们已经有一些苹果了。否定句:i h**en’tgot a football .我没有足球。

says(that)he will write to you soon.大明说他将很快写信给你。

此句中为宾语从句。此句中的daming为主语,says为谓语宾语是he will write to you soon组成的宾语从句。此句子说明he will writeto you是大明要说的内容。


举例:we all expect(that)they will我们都希望他们能赢。she thinks she is going to go to hainan.

她想她将会去海南。moudle 7

is the snake ing out of the box?

because the snake thinks the fluteis another snake .(宾语从句)此句是why引导的疑问句,构成方式:why +be动词+主语+其它部分。

此句中已经有一个动词is,所以e这个动词只能转换成动名词形式ing表示出来的那个状态。e out of从….出来。


举例:why are you so late ?为什么你迟到了?

because i am sick.因为我生病了。2.

what an interesting cd-rom?

此句为what引导的感叹句。构成方式:what +a/an+形容词+名词举例:what a beautiful day!多美好的一天啊!3.

do snakes like music?


do you like me ?你喜欢我吗?肯定回答:

yes,i don’t.4.

believe it or not ?信不信由你。moudle 8

often/i don‘t oftenoften是频率词表示经常i often read stories.我常常读故事。举例:

do you often clean your room?not very you?(反问的形式)yes ,i ,i don’t.

moudle 91.

do you want to……?

want意思是“要,想要”,后面可以跟名词或“to+动词原形”。举例:what do you want?i want to go to the park.

do you want to go to guilin?你想去桂林吗?肯定回答:

yes,please./yes,i do.否定回答:

no,thank you./no,i don’t.2.

how many countries are in the un.联合国有多少个国家?how many问多少数量,句型构成:

how many+主语+be动词+其他部分(be动词的变化跟着主语变化而变化)

举例:how many apples are there?3.

when is the un building open?联合国大厦什么时候开门?问时间用when .

构成格式:when +be动词+主语+其它部分(be动词随着主语的变化而变化)

举例:when are you going school?你什么时候去学校?when is daming back home?大明什么时候回家?4.

where is the summer palace?颐和园在哪?(要大写)



举例:where are you?你在哪?5.

moudle 101.

it says, “don’t talk in the library”don’t= do not2.3.

please stand in line!请站成一条直线。look at the library rules.看图书馆规则。

the republic of china中华人民共和国(注意大写部分)


作者 郭坤。新课程 中旬 2019年第01期。摘要 小学英语教学,作为学生英语基础学习阶段,对学生日后英语学习有着重要的作用。针对利用现代科技手段 情境创设 实践教学等形式,增强小学六年级英语课堂教学有效性的途径进行详细的分析。关键词 小学 六年级 英语课堂。在素质教育工作引导下,教师必须要结合小学...


英语课堂教学设计。what are you doing?一 教学内容分析 1 主要语言项目为i m going to we they are going to he she is going to 围绕 谈论周末计划 展开的。出现的主要句型是学生以前没有学过的。学生理解和掌握这一功能句型以及这些短语...


小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱歌游戏去学习,因为培养兴趣主要是为了学习英语。今天,小编为大家带来了6年级英语课堂反思,希望大家喜欢!6年级英语课堂反思篇1 语言知识与交际能力的关系。语言是重要的交际工具。学习英语的目的,不仅仅是掌握语言知识,更是为了提高运用语言进行交际的能力。英语教学的...