
发布 2020-08-22 05:36:28 阅读 1492


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)1. duck study2. noice point

)3. hot cold4. sunny fly

)5. picnic bike


)1. a. riding b. ring c. flying d. eating

) noodles b. rice c. cola d. dumpling

)3. a. rainy b. cool c. hot d. weather

)4. a. chair b. desk c. milk d. blackboard

)5. a. milk b. juice c. vegetable



小心的。7. phone8.卡片。





1. h**e a picnic2. say goodbye

3. play chess4. 向窗外看。

5.放风筝6. fly away

7. enjoy your meal8. 在树下。



原形2. can not(缩写形式。

(ing形式4. dollar(复数形式。

5. swim(ing形式反义词。




)1are you going to eat?

---at half past eleven.

a. when b. what c. where

)2. it’s going totomorrow.

a. windy b. wind c. be windy

) do you want __

a. eat b. eating c. to eat

) is a birthday party.

a. h**e b. h**ing c. has

)5. the bird are singing the tree.

a. to b. inc. on

) 6. look! the dacks areour picnic.

a. eating b. eatings c. eat

) 7. i’m looking __of the window.

a. for b. atc. out

)8. the apples are __down the stairs

a. fall b. falls c. falling

)9. i am high in a plane.

a. go b. up c. to

)10. he’s eating dinner,__the doorbell is ringing.

a. but b. and c. or

)11. i’m ****** __birthday card.

a. tom b. tom’s c. toms

)12. i had a very funny day saturday.

a. in b. onc. at


)1. what time is ita. sorry, i can’t.

)2. how much is itb. i’m going to watch tv.

)3. who can help mec. she is at the supermarket.

)4. where’s your mumd. it’s thirty dollars.

)5. what are you going to do tomorrow? e. it’s twelve.



tomorrow, it’ssnow in harbin.


he isto crossa car is coming.

3. 我正在唱歌,但是**铃响了。

i’mbut the phone is


1. these, are, very, duck, noisy (.

2. can, who, me, help, (

3. going, on thursday, windy, it, be, is, to, (



it is on sunday morning. the sun is shining. we h**e no classes.

we are playing in the park. some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. some boys are climbing the hill.

tom is drawing by the lake. mike and john are swimming in the lake. where are betty and mary?

they are sitting under a small tree. they are reading a picture book. we are very happy.

) the weather like today?

a. it’s sunday. b. it’s fine. c. it’s raining.

) are they playing?

a. in the park. b. on the hill. c. in the lake.

) is climbing the hill?

a. some girls. b. some boys. c. some teachers.

) are betty and mary?

a. they are on the tree.

b. they are under the tree.

c. they are in the lake.

) are betty and mary doing?

a. they are reading a picture book.


一 积累与运用 25分 1 词语积累 6分 q qz oc 呜咽撷取荒草 烦 花圃脑髓 然长逝。dil ij 险象 生炽痛 弱斫痕迫不 待 2 请从下面一组词语中任选四个词语写一段主题明确的话 4分 知足安命不可思议诗意盎然白驹过隙人声鼎沸忧心忡忡。海市蜃楼郑重其事孜孜不倦闻所未闻茫然若失魂不守舍。...


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