六年级1 4单元检测 借鉴

发布 2020-08-22 01:23:28 阅读 4764


1、牙疼2、over there __3、洗衣服。

4、on monday __5、上周末 __6、go ice-skating___

7、弹钢琴___8、buy presents __9、拍照10. learn english___11.发烧12。laugh at __

13.喉咙疼14 .tongue twister___15.感冒16. kill er whale __17头疼18. la st weekend __

19,去滑冰20. 去郊游。


1. strong(比较级2. tall(比较级)__3. he**y(比较级)__4. big(比较级5. thin (比较级)__6. learn(过去式)__

7. climb(过去式)__8. is / am(过去式)__9. see(过去式) _10. go(过去式过去式 __过去式)__


过去式)__过去式过去式)__过去式)__过去式) _24,watch(过去式)__



let us go skating

四、read and arrange.将下列人名按照英汉字典中的先后顺序标号。5%


五、read and number. 拼读音标,给图标号。5%

六、read and circle. 圈出不属于同类的单词。10%

1. olderyoungertallerother

2. companyshelffactoryshop

3. rainwindkitecloud

4. growdigaddflower

5. bookstorepost cardcinemapark

6. monthweekdaytail

7. tomorrowmagazinedictionarynews*****

8. subwaybusvapourtrain

9. visitsunreadbuy

七、think and write. 根据要求写字母或单词。7%

(照例写) china2. let us(缩写形式。

(完全形式4. swim(doing形式5. by (同音词。

6. big (形容词比较级7. old (2个反义词。

八、read and write. 看图,将句子补充完整。8%

1. they go to is the cinema? it’sto the hospital.

likebest. because i cana oftenpictures on the weekends.

likele**es. is he doing? he’s

九、read and choose. 选择正确的答案。10%

)1. lucy is ten. kate is nine years old. so lucy isthan kate.

a. olderb. youngerc. fatter

)2. they liketo music.

a. listeningb. listensc. listen

)3. you can go to the moon by

a. carb. planec. spaceship

)4. the traffic light is yellow, you may

a. stopb. waitc. go

)5. my throatsore, my nose

a. is, hurtb. are, hurtsc. is hurts

)6. when are you going to hong kong? i’m going

a. this weekendb. by planec. yesterday

)7. the woman is seventy, but she looks so

a. tallb. youngc. thin

)8. i likebecause it’s hot, i can eat ice-creams.

a. fallb. summerc. spring

)9. teacher’s day is in

a. octoberb. novemberc. september

)10. where does the rain come from? it comes from the

a. cloudsb. waterc. sun

十、make sentences. 连词成句。10%

1. go, usually, school, i, to, foot, on (.

2. to, are, going, weekend, the, you, what, do, on (?

3. look, so, you, excited (.

4. birthday, june, her, in, is (?

5. writing, grandma, the, study, is, a, in, letter (.

十一、read and judge. 阅读判断。10%

today is saturday. it's fine. my parents and i go to the zoo.

first, we come to see the monkeys. look at those monkeys! some are playing with each other, some are swinging on the trees, some are ****** faces, and some are eating bananas.

then we go to see the peacocks(孔雀). how beautiful they are! they h**e long tails and small mouths.

they are all wearing colorful clothes. they look like pretty princesses(公主). they are dancing together happily.

at last, we come to see a very big animal. it has a long nose and two big ears. its ears look like two big fans.

what is it? ha-ha, it's an elephant. it's very friendly.

my father takes a photo for it.

today, i am very happy because i h**e seen many lovely animals. i hope people can get along well(与……友好相处) with the animals forever.


惠丰小学六年级。一 二单元达标测试。年级班级姓名。亲爱的同学们 新学期,新挑战。同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定进步了很多!今天,让我们认真完成这份试题吧!努力哦,祝你取的好成绩!一 基础知识达标33分1 看拼音,写词语 20分。d ng d x n sy ng y q h i zh s ny n...


2007 2008学年度第二学期六年级语文第二阶段练习卷。出卷学校 青岛福林小学 班级姓名成绩。一 积累运用。字词百花园 18分 1 读拼音写词语,要做到规范 端正 整洁。8分 h i s o j ng tmi o sh zh n y ng l c b p ji o xi ku f 2 选择正确的读...


中山小学六年级语文第四单元测试题。一 给带点的字选择正确的读音,用 标出。3分 旋转 zhu nzhu n 觉察 ju ju 薄雾 b ob 随即 j j 实验室 sh sh 痕迹 j j 二 看拼音写词语 16分 f nw n l ngl p ihu i ch lu c nr n di ny 三 ...