
发布 2020-08-20 12:35:28 阅读 8494

4、he __has___h**e ) a yellow pen.(这个h**e在这里表示的是拥有的意思。这个是用一般现在事态。

又因为he 做主语,后面的谓语动词要变成单数第三人称,所以将h**e 变成has)

5、thank you for __h**ing___h**e) me.(我没有看懂这个句子的意思,但是for 是介词,介词后面跟动词,动词要变成动词的ing形式,所以h**e变成h**ing。)


) cut b must c bus d but

) keep b tree c need d deer

)3 a snake b tall c make d tape

) roller b hole c clothes d hotel

)5 a visitor b city c list d kite


a )1、i’vea new book in the bookstore

a、got b、get c、gets d、getting(表示h**e+动词的过去分词,现在完成时,所以是h**e+ got)

b )2、did youto the beach ?

a、went b、go c、going d、to go (前面有did,后面的动词就变成原型了。所以用go)

b )3、where are yoube+表示移动的动词,也表示将来时。be going也是表示将要去**。所以这句话的意思就是你将要去**)

a、go b、going c、goes d、went

d )4、there are many apples __the tree.

a、in b、to c、of d、on(本身是树上长出来的东西是用介词on,但如果是树上长出来的,例如鸟落在树上。就要用in。)

b )5、would you like to go shopping __me ?

a、of b、with c、and d、to

b )6. how __may i keep it?(how long 表示的是多长时间。

how much表示的是多钱。how many表示的多少,用来提问数量。所以这道题是表示我保留拿着它所长时间。

)a、much b、long c、many d、do

这个题目好像是错的。我不会 ) you like a chinese __an english?

a、of b、with c、and d、or

b )8.__is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候)

a、what b、when c、how d、which

( d )9.__one do you like better?(better是good的比较级,说明里面有个挑选对比之意。所以要用which)

a、what b、when c、how d、which

( d ) you come here ? by bus.

a、do b、does c、are d、did(这句话是你怎么来的这里,说明说话的时候此人已经到了,所以要问你是怎么来的。所以要用过去时)


1、can i help you ?(变为同义句)

what can i do for you?

2、we are going to play games.(划线提问)

_what are you going to do ?

3、he is from england.(划线提问)

where is he from?

are beautifull flowers.(改为感叹句)

how beautiful the flowers are .

5、did she come from japan?(做出肯定回答)

yes,she did.

6、this is my book.(改为复数句)

_these are our books.


in what see the you picture

what can you see in the picture?

what name is of book the

__what is the name of the book?

what you wear do

what size do you wear?

4. shall do what we our teacher for

what shall we do for our teacher?

think what of you food here the

what do you think of the food here?


hello, my name is jimmy. i’m a boy. i’m eleven.

i am in class five grade six. now let me tell you something about my family. there are three people in my family.

my father, my mother and i. my father is a worker and my mother is a worker too. and they are both good workers , i am a good student.

my father and mother love me very much too. we h**e a new car. it’s green.

i like it very much.

1. we h**e an old car. (错 )

2 .i’m in class six ,grade five. (错 )

3. there are three people in my family.(对 )

4. my father and mother are both workers. (对 )

5. i don’t like out car. (错 )


陕旅版六年级英语上册1 3检测试题。命题人 莲峰二小田军平。学校姓名成绩 一 英汉互译。共15分 1.learn english2 pick flowers 3 play the air dirty 5 waste water6.一周两次。7.砍伐树木8.散步。9.保持健康10.做眼保健操。well...

六年级《英语》上册教案 陕旅版

西关小学教学设计。2014 2015学年度第一学期 学科。任课班级。任课教师。2014年月日。2014 2015学年度第一学期教学进度表。陕西旅游版六年级英语上册教学计划。一 教材分析 本教材注重学生审美感受和语言能力的培养,强调学生创新意识和实践能力的协调发展,以 接近社会 贴近学生 学以致用 为...


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