六年级期中测试卷2 最终版

发布 2020-08-20 07:11:28 阅读 5326

3. bought, i, book, you, this

i ?4. can’t, carry, i, them, all

i .birthday, yesterday, it, daming’s

it .. 情景会话。(共15分)

a) 句子匹配。请从(b)栏中找出与(a)栏相对应的句子,并将(b)栏中代表该句子的字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共5分)

ab) )1. what is the girl doinga. thank you.

)2. how much is your t-shirtb. i want a hot dog and a cola.

)3. here you arec. hooray!

)4. can i help flying a kite.

) h**e a picnice. it’s 20dollars and 50 cents.

b) 请从方框中选出恰当的句子,补全**中的对话,并将答案的标号填在题号对应的横线上。(每小题2分,共10分)

. 阅读理解。(共20分)

a)on sunday morning, mr. baker takes mike and joan to a plane. he opens the door of the plane and lets the children in.

soon the plane begins to up. joan looks out of the window, “oh, we’re like birds in the sky!” she says.

she looks at the houses, but they are like toy houses. mike looks out of the window, too. he sees some buses.

they look like toy buses. the people on the ground look very, very small, too. then the plane comes down and down, and stops on the ground.

mike and joan are very happy.


)1. mr baker takes mike and joan to a plane because they’re going to school.

)2. the children see some birds in the sky.

)3. the children can see some people on the ground.

)4. mike doesn’t look out of the window.

)5. they are very happy.

b)it is on sunday morning. the sun is shining. children are playing in the park.

some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. some boys are climbing the hill. tom is drawing by the lake.

mike and john are swimming in the lake. where are betty and mary? they are sitting under a small tree.

they are reading a picture book. they are very happy.


1. what’s weather like today?

a. sunny c. raining

2. where are they playing?

a. in the park. b. on the hill. c. in the lake.

3. who is climbing the hill?

a. some girls b. some boys. c. some teachers.

4. what are betty and mary doing?

a. they are reading a picture book. b. they are dancing. c. they are playing.

5. are they happy?

a. yes, he is. b. no, they aren’t. c. yes, they are.


dear jane,i’m going to h**e a birthday party at my home on sunday afternoon. i hope that you can come.


1. from2. to

3. when

4. place

5. activity(活动。

陕旅版五年级英语上册期中测试卷 最终版

五年级英语期中测试卷。一 判断下列划线字母中发音不同的一个,并将序号写在括号里。9分 1.a breakfast b healthyc great 2.a goatb boatc toa 3.a snowb nowc blow 二 英汉互译。20分 1.must a 必须 b.确定c 可能。2.wi...




单元练习。1 蟋蟀1分钟叫的次数除以7再加上3,所得的结果与当时的气温差不多。如果用t表示蟋蟀每分叫的次数,用h表示当时的气温,用式子表示次数与气温的关系 2 判断下面各题中的两个量是否成比例,如果成比例,说出成什么比例,并说明理由。1 每袋大米的质量一定,大米的总质量和袋数。2 一个人的身高和年龄...