
发布 2020-08-20 04:33:28 阅读 9510






)1. a. horse b. bookstore c. hospital

)2. a. shoe store b. bookstore c. bus stop

)3. a. west b. eastc. left

)4. a. sister b. sixc. cinema

)5. a. south b. mousec. north

)6. a. twelve b. twentyc. twelfth

)7. a. right b. leftc. straight

)8. a. wherec. howd. what

)9. a. a pair of b. a piece of d. a group of

( )10. a. thinb.


)1. a. how can i get to the hospital?

b. how can i get to school?

c. how can i get to the bookstore?

)2. a. walk straight for three minutes.

b. walk straight for six minutes.

c. walk straight for eight minutes.

)3. a. it’s near the post office.

b. it’s next to the post office.

c. it’s east of the post office.

)4. a. i want to buy a pair of shoes.

b. i want to buy a pair of socks.

c. i want to buy a pair of glasses.

)5. a. is there a cinema near here?

b. is there a library near here?

c. is there a museum near here?


)yes, there is.

)it’s in front of our school.

)go straight from here, then go straight.

)i want to buy a comic book.

)she goes to beijing by plane.


a: excuse me, where is theplease?

b: it’sthe post office.

acan ithere?

b: you can take the no.__bus. get off at thethenforminutes. you’ll see it.

a: thank you.

b: you’re welcome.


)1. 医院a. horse b. house c. hospital

)2. 鞋店a. shoe store b. bookstore c. bus stop

)3. 东a. westb. eastc. left

)4.南 a. northb. south c. mouth

( )5.乘坐a. takeb. makec. lake


等待( )火车( )博物馆女警察**( )工作( )再见( )bl_ _sesm_ _t( )



)1. a. east b. west d. north

)2. a. museum b. post office c. music d. library

)3. a. plane b. cinema d. bus

)4. right home left straight

) light light light light


)1. where are you from, amy

a. i’m amy. b. i’m ten. c. i’m from america.

)2. stop at the __

a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

)3. the science museum is near the school __the right.

a. onb. atc. in

) 4. is there a cinema near your home

a. yes, there isn’t. b. yes, there is. c. no, there is.

) 5. what’s your job,amy?

a. i’m amy.

b. she is a air hostess.

a air hostess.

) 6. how is emma?

is very well. fine. are fine.

) 7. if you want to see a doctor, you can go to the __

a. hospitalb. libraryc. cinema

) 8. turn rightthe school, then go

a. of, straight b. at, straight c. in, straight

) 9. how do you go to school? i often go to school___foot.

a. by b. onc. in

) 10. excuse me, where is the library? it’sthe cinema.

a. next b. next toc. at

)11.-_is this shirt? -it’s tim’s shirt.

( )12.你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问。

a. excuse me. where is the cinema, please?

b. excuse me. where is the school, please?

c. excuse me. where is the post office, please?

) color is your dress? it’s___

) is __umbrella.

) are you today? fine. fine. fine.


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