
发布 2020-08-18 20:40:28 阅读 1648


一、 listen and circle the missing letter. (听音,圈出所缺字母或字母组合)6%

1. _en2.__oo3. d__ sk

( p bz ri e )

4. k___te 5. ch6. sch_ _l

( a iair earoa oo )

二、 listen and tick.(听,根据图表,用“√”表示所听到的内容)10%

三、 listen and number. (听,在小方框内用标号)12%

四、 listen, and choose the correct answer. (听音,“√出正确单词。)5%

tim usuallyto school early. but he didn’tto school early

yesterday. he usuallyto school. but he didn’tto

school yesterday. yesterdaysunday.

五、 listen, look and choose. (听音,看图,“√出最恰当的答案)9%

1. what's she?

2. what’s your f**orite sport?

3. where are you from?

4. when is your birthday?

5. who is this old man?

6. what time is it?

六、 listen and choose the words.(听音,选出你所听到的单词)5%

)1. a. day b. year c. week

)2. a. there b. here c. where

) september b. november c. december

) afternoon b. night c. morning

)5. a. yes b. yellow c. you

part2 reading and writing part(读写部分)

七、 check the box, then copy. (看图读句子,在正确的框内打“√”并把句子抄写在四线格里。请注意大小写字母及句子标点)10%

1is beautiful.

2thisis happy .

3is my f**ourite fruit.

4he ate a

5i want some

八、 look, read and check.(看一看,读一读,判断正“√”误“×”8%

1. i like this ball2. this is ann's eraser

3. what’s this4. look!

it’s a pencila new school bag.

5. close your pencil-box6. please give me that pen.

a ruler8. whose computer is this?

九、 read and match.(读一读,将所给单词的番号填在相应的**下)8%

1) ice cream 2) vegetables 3 ) chicken 4 )egg

5 )sausage 6 ) sweets 7 ) hamburger 8 )french fries

一十、 look, read and choose the correct answer.(根据**提示选择正确单词)5%

she has gothair

2they want tofast.

the teacher isnow.

4this young manride a bike.

5let's go to thetomorrow.

十一、find the right answers.(根据问句选答语,并将其番号填在框内)5%

a. he is sixteen. b. no, i didn't. c. i am from china.

d. good morning! e. yes, i h**e.

1where are you from

2good morning!

3how old is he?

4did you play football?

5h**e you got a cd?

12、read and fill in the blanks.(读短文,将所给短语的番号填入相应的空白处)2%

1. play football 2. get up 3. do homework 4. h**e lunch

hello. my name is mike. i often __early in the

morning. after breakfast, i go to school by bike. at school , i like chinese and english.

i __at school. after school, i __first. then i can __with my friends.

13、choose the right answers. (选择正确的答案)5%

小学语文六年级半期测试题 3

2006 2007年度下期小学语文第六册半期书面测试题 3 姓名得分。一 积累与运用 47分 一 看拼音写汉字 8分 t n ch n ychu 奶早子牙水 y npch n w iy n 奏布衣杆色。yy k n ji ot n n 民欢虫 水酒献 二 多音字组词 4分 pi onpi on k ...


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