
发布 2020-08-23 11:01:28 阅读 1595


60 分钟完成 ,满分100分)


i 、听力测试 ( 20分)

1、听录音,判断下列**与所听内容是否一致,如果一致请在相应的位置圈笑脸,如果不一致,圈哭脸,每个句子读二遍。( 5分)

二、听录音,根据录音内容将下面的人名、时间和**配对,并将配好的答案番号填在横线上,每个句子读两遍。 (5分。

(abcde )

①in the morning ②7:00 o'clock ③in summer ④at night ⑤ 18/7

lily marybetty tompeter


ii 写 (16分)


e e __g go or r


a: i want something to eat .

b: bag peach date pen onion school

pineapple orange computer strawberry


) 1. which subject do you like best ,music , art or pe ?

( )2. what do they taste like ?

( )3. whose birthday is in february ?

a: these are chilies .they are hot .

b: tom’s birthday is in february .

c: music of course . i am good at singing .



1、a:october b:march c:twelve

) 2、a: second b:twelve c:tenth

) 3、a: sugar b: salty c:sour

) 4、a: vegetable b:ginger c:salt

) 5、a: rubbish bin b:peach c:pineapple


1、 当你想知道ann 的生日的时候 ,你应该说:

a:when is her birthday ,ann?

b: when is your birthday ,ann ?

2、 当你想说厨房里有一些蒜的时候,你应该说:

a:there is some garlic in the kitchen .

b: there are some garlic in the kitchen .]

3、 当别人向你问路,而你不知道的时候,你应该说:

a : it doesn’t matter .

b : sorry , i don’t know .

) 4 、当你向别人介绍这是盐的时候,你应该说:

a :it ‘s saltb : it’s salty.

5、 让别人保持安静 ,你应该说:

a : go to sleep . b : please keep quiet .

三、从ab 两个选项中选出可以填入横线且意思正确的选项。(10 分)

1、__birthday is in may ? a : when b : whose

2、a re there __pineapples ? a : some b : any

) 3、sugarsweeta: is b: are

4、mary’s birthday is __may . a : on b : in

5、the peachesnot nice . a : smells b : smell

四、根据问句选择合适的答句,并将选出的正确答案填在相应的位置。( 10 分)

) 1、is there anything sour ?

a : yes , there is . b : yes ,there are .

) 2、what is it ?

a: it’s a lemon . b : it smells nice .

)3、what does the ginger taste like ?

a :it’s hotb :it’s sweet .

)4、when do you get up ?

a : i brush my teeth in the morning .

b : i get up at 6:00 o 'clock

)5、what’s the weather like in summer ?

a :it’s cold . b : it’s hot .

iv 、配对 (14分)

1、 将**与相应的单词配对。(6 分)

1、pickles ( 2、flower ( 3、fly the kite (

4、student( )5、trousers ( 6、 computer (


a栏b栏。( )1、listeninga: garlic

( )2、doingb :english

( )3、smellingc: music

( )4、readingd: homework


v 、排序(10分)

一、 根据汉语意思补充单词。(4分)

1, m_ _c h 三月 2,_ r i l 四月 3, a u_ _s t 八月 4, o_ _o b e r 十月。

二、 请把下面的单词排列成一个通顺的句子。(6分)

1、 in birthday tom’s may is

2、 like does what taste this

3、 smells garlic the strong


一、根据短文内容判断对( √错5分)

tim is eleven years old . mr .brown is his father .

he is a police . today is tim ‘s birthday . he has a birthday party (生日聚会)。

his friends come to his party. there are seven girls and ten boys . they are singing ,playing and watching tv.

they are very happy .


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