
发布 2020-08-15 10:42:28 阅读 2296


一. 问与答,连连看。

) 1. what size are your shoesa. i wnet to the bookstore.

)2. where did you go yesterday? b. i am 45 kg.

)3. how he**y are youc. size 7.

)4. what did you do last nightd. it was fine.

) 5. how was you weekende. i watched tv.


( )1. 他上周六去钓鱼a. i hurt my foot last tuesday.

( )2. 我妈妈上周末去野营。 b. she rode a bike last monday.

( )3. 约翰昨天去骑马。 c. he went finshing last saturday.

( )4. 她上周一骑自行车。 d. my mum went camping last weekened.

( )5. 我上周二伤了脚。 e. john rode a horse yesterday.


goride-- hurtwatchclean


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1. 当你想问你的同学过去发生什么事情了,你可以这样问: (

a. what happened? b. what did you do?

2. 当你想问你生病的爸爸现在还好吗,你可以这样问。

a. are you ill, dadb. are you ok, dad?

3. 当你想用英语表达“我现在没事了。”你可以这样说: (

a. i am ok now. b. i am bad now.

4. 当你想问你的同学上周去北京了吗,你可以这样问: (

a. did you go to beijing last weekend? b. do you go to beijing?


1. -where you go last sunday? -i went to the nature park.

a. do b. did c. does

2. it looks a mule. a. at b. of c. like

3. -did you go to beijing? -no

a. we didn’t b. we did c. we do

4. -what did you do therei

a. go fishing b. goes fishing c. went fishing

5. i took pictures food. a. at b. of c. in

一. 填一填,译一译,读一读。

a. lots of b. how c. how much d. went

1怎样)was your summer holiday?

2. i took许多) pictures.

3多少钱)is this?

4. i (去) swimming last sunday.

二. 写出下列动词的过去式。

eattakebuyreadsee --

三. 连词成句。

1. did what do you last monday

2. ate he fresh food yesterday

3. you did where go sunday last

4. all are right you

5. i lots took of pictures

一. 补全下列单词并翻译。

1. te fresh nt swi ming

3. t ok pict res ( ght g fts ( ch (


1. -did you go to shanghaiby plane.

a. what b. how c. when

2. john took pictures last weekened.

a. lots b. lot of c. lots of

3. -did you go last wednesday? -i went to the bookstore.

a. where b. what c. how

4. -how was your winter holiday

a. it is good. b. i went swimming. c. it was good.

5. –what did she do

a. she rode a horse. b. she likes riding a orse. c. yes, she did.


一. 英汉互译。

fresh swimming

giftsa a bike

camping8. hurt my foot


10.很多年前有许多恐龙。there lots of dinosurs many years ago.

11.你的假期怎么样? was your holiday?

12.你去了**you go?

13.我去了月球 ithe moon.

14.你怎样去那里的? did you go there?


16.你看到了什么? did you see?



1. went she swimming weekend every (.

2. my family went turpan to i and (.

3. you xinjiang did to go (?

4. go how did there you (?




表示时间的单词 evening晚上,傍晚 tnight在今晚trr明天next ee下周。this rning今天早晨 this afternn今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 this eeend 下周末。动词短语原形 ae a snan 堆雪人 tae a trip去旅游 see a...


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