人教版小学英语六年级上册第五单元测试卷 共四套

发布 2020-08-15 09:33:28 阅读 2446


1、tv reporter2、cleaner3、accountant




)1-- what __your fatherhe is a teacher.

does do do

)2does she go ? she goes to the bank .

)3-__does she go to work ? she goes to work by subway.

a. where b. how c. what d. who

) you like __a. swim b. swimming c. swiming d. swim, too

) usually stay __home __saturday afternoon.

a. at; in b. at; on c. in; at d. on; on

) bed __the right is yours. a. on b. in c. at d. of

) 8 my uncle is __accountant. he works in __air-conditioner company.

a. a; a b. an; a c. an; an d. a; an

) 9 --she cleans streets. who's she? oh, she is a __

a. salesperson b. driver c. tv reporter d. cleaner

) 10___are you going to beijing?

a. when b. where c. what d. who

) want to find a good book. i'm going to the __

a. cinema b. library c. museum d. supermarket

) at __picture..

a. five b. the five c. fifth d. the fifth

) 13. alice __to school by bus every day.

a. is going to b. go c. goes d. to go

) 14. on sundays, i often __a. play the football b. play piano c. play the violin

) 15. i'm going to the parka. this weekend b. on this weekend c. in this weekend

) 16. he likes __magazines. a. watching b. reading c. looking at

) 17where is the bus stop? a. sorry b. excuse me c. hello

) 18. mike is going to buy a dictionary __a. now b. every day c. this evening


1. i likes swimming.(就划线部分提问。

2. does she teach english ?(做否定回答。

3. he goes to work by bike .(改为一般疑问句。

4..i go to work by subway. (就划线部分提问。

5. i go to the park by bus.(改为否定句。


1.there are two __风筝) shows this weekend.

2.he __不)like chinese.

3.we like __看)books at home on sunday.

4.we are tv __记者).

5.the __警察们)work hard.


6.这些工程师在**工作do thework?

7.澳大利亚一定很有趣。australia must

8.他每天骑自行车上班吗?__he __a bike to school?

9.集邮是我的爱好is my hobby.



mike is a student.he gets up at 6:30.he has breakfast at 7 and then he goes to school.he goes to school on his bike.he gets to school early.he has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.he is good at english and math.he will go sight seeing(观光)this summer holiday.he will visit the north of china.he will be there for ten days.he will be there for ten days.he will be back before beginning of the school.

)1.mike has breakfast before 6:30.

)2.mike goes to school by bike.

)3.mike has seven lessons all day.

)4.mike will be in the north of china for ten days.

)5.mike will come back to school after the summer holiday.


brother is a reporter.(对划线部分提问) does your brother ?

works in a car company. (对划线部分提问does he ?

often go to school by subway(对划线部分提问you often go to school?

is xiao ming’s father. (对划线部分提问is

mother teaches english. (对划线部分提问) does your mother ?


) what does your uncle do? chen jie

a. he’s an engineer. b. he goes to work by bike.

c. he likes reading news*****s. d. yes,he does.

) where does your father work? tom

likes watching tv. b. he’s a teacher.


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