
发布 2020-08-13 04:21:28 阅读 2423





一、listen and choose. 听录音,选出对应字母组合、单词的字母代号。(10分)

)1. a. usab. prcc. cctv

)2. a. woodb. movec. lose

)3. a. cardb. cityc. party

)4. a. togetherb. fatherc. brother

)5. a. sunb. moonc. earth

)6. a. grandma b. grandpac. grandparent

)7. a. airb. carec. clever

)8. a. openb. spacec. close

)9. a. pianob. footballc. guitar

)10. a. feel happy b. feel sadc. feel excited

二、listen and number. 听录音,按听到的先后顺序标序号。(10分)


三。 write. 按顺序写出26个字母的大小写。(5分)

四、read and choose.选出每组单词中不同类的一项(5分)

1. a. went b. wanted c. h**e

)2. a. tree b. flower c. cake

)3. a. who b. drop c. where

)4. a. park b. ride

) b. opened c. interested






六。read and choose. 读单词,选择与单词意思相符的**,并将。


a. b. c. d. e.

f. g. h. i. j.

1. take pictures2. family earth

5. eat healthy food ( 6. the great wall7.

drop8. plant trees9. play the piano10.

h**e a party (

七。 read and choose.单项选择(20分)

)1.__is good for us.

a. read b. reading c. reads

) path is __path a or path b?

a. long b. more long c. longer

) should keep our body __

a. clean b. to clean c. cleans

)4. his apple is bigger than __

a. me b. mine c. my

) is __apple in my bag.

a. a b. an c. the

)6. i enjoy __trees.

a. plant b. plants c. planting

)7. we’ll __a walk with your grandpa and grandma.

a. take b. go c. took

)8. the little girl is afraidthe monster..

a. for b. of c. on

)9. i like __more than __

a. draw, read b. drawing, read c. drawing, reading

)10. children are very happy on

a. children’s day b. childrens’ day c. children’s day

八。 read and choose. 选择填空,从b栏中找出a栏中的答案代号填在括号里。(10分)

ab ) 1. what are we going to do at the park? a. it’s ok..

) 2. what is your f**ourite animalb. he’s 80 years old.

) 3. how old is mr. linc. on the sandy beach.

) 4. where is your familyd. h**e a picnic.

) 5. what’s your namee. because they need more houses.

) 6. why do people cut down treesf. elephants.

) 7. i’m sorryg. yes ,i can.

) 8. what did she want to doh. it’s on the first of june.

湘少版六年级单词 音标

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