
发布 2020-08-11 21:47:28 阅读 9383







三月二日6.sports day7. the 23rd of january8. blow out9.

make noise10. pick them up三、选择15’

) 1. mike is from america. she’samerican .

a. anbc. a

) 2. the cd walkman is under the book.

the book isthe cd walkman.

a. in front ofb. on c.

in() 3. i want to learn more __aboutb. with c.

of() 4. my camerahere just was b. is c.


) 5. it’s very hot. jim ishis coat.

a. putting onb. taking offc. taking down.()6. what would you like?

a. i like drinking. b.

i don’t like milk. c. some juice.

()7. oh, my earphones are on the floor .

can you pick __up for me ?

a. itb. they c. them() 8. whatis it today? sunday.


a. dateb. mouth c. day

) 9. my aunt looksthe flowers carefullya. atb. after c. to

)10. my study is nextmy to b. forc.

of()11.——what___in the glass?——there __some apple juice .

a. is ; isb. is ; arec. are ; is

) 12.——i’m so tired. let’s sit on the grass.

a. there are much grass in this park. b.

danger!c. can’t you see the sign“keep off the grass”?

) 13.——i can’t find my cat. where’s it ? it was here a moment ago

a. was it on your desk? b. the cat is white.

c. don’t worry, let me help you.()14.——nancy’s birthday is coming soon.

what would she like as a birthday present?

—she likes writinga. would she like a video recorder?

b. perhaps she’d like a nice diary as a birthday shall we buy a birthday cake.()15.

——when is the sports day ?

---it’sthe third ofapril .

a. on ; theb. at ;


1. does , that , what , mean , sign

2. like , would , a , you , pair , glasses , of

3. my , where , beautiful , were , flowers

4. see park we some public in the can signs


5. pair present of birthday like your would a earphones you as五、写句子10’

1. can you pick them up for me ? 做否定回答)

2. ben看见一个从没见过的告示牌,想知道是什么意思,于是问:what3. nancy想知道我的生日是什么时候,问。

4. nancy知道了我的生日后,想知道我希望得到什么生日礼物,问:what5. the cd walkman is behind the tv . 对划线部分提问。

六、用括号内的词的适当形式填空5’1. a: where __you just now? (be)b: i __in the teachers’office.

2. look! liutao___

teachers’office. (be)

3. liutaooften___get)

sleep) now.

4. my brotherslike) askingi ) some questions.5not walk) on the grass .

6. whatdo) jim usually do on weekends?七、根据各句意思排列成连贯的对话6’a.

they were next to the door a moment ok, but where are my shoes?c. oh, yes, they are.

d. it’s time to go to school, but, they are not there are they behind the door?



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