
发布 2020-08-11 21:48:28 阅读 4631




1、刚才6.blow out the candles___2、拍照7.stay away from3、散步8.close your eyes4、谈论9 .near the violin5.在5月10、fine¥10二、选择填空(1'×15=15')

)1、the football is __the volleyball __the desk.

a. between, tob. between, andc. next, to

)2、—here are your earphones

a. thank youb. all rightc. ok

)3、there aren't __music rooms in this building.

a. someb. anyc. many

)4、—where __you just now?—i __in the classroom.

a. are, amb. were; wasc. were, am

)5、the race is __all the students are __

a. excited, excitingb. exciting, excitedc. excited, excited

)6、‘be quiet’means we __make noise here.

a. canb. shouldn'tc. should

)7、my mother___her bike now, but she can't __it.

a. finds, look forb. is looking for, findc. looks for, find

)8、monday is __day of a week.

a. twob. secondc. the second

)9、ben is talking __his birthday.

ofb. onc. about

)10、don't litterplease.

a. pick up itb. pick it onc. pick it up

)11、the little boy always __a lot of questions.

a. isb. h**ec. has

)12、they___there a moment ago.

a. isb. werec. was

)13、my mother usually goes shopping __sunday mornings.

a. onb. inc. at

)14、what colour __her eyes?

a. areb. isc. am


)15、—are they in the same class ?—no, they're in __classes.

a. differentb. the samec. one

三、请用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(1'×5=5') you likecome) to his party? isthree) of the film is veryexcite)

yourearphone)? you likeskate)?四、情景对话(1'×10=10')(a)a:

what __is it today?b: it's the 16th of october.

a: the 16th of october. oh, my birthday is ityour birthday?

a: it's __the 18th of october. would you like to come to mybirthday __b: sure.

b)a: what would you like __a birthday present?b:

i'd __a vcd of japanesea: ok. would you like toalladdin".

b: yes. when can we __it?

a: let's wait and see.


mr. smith isin the __2.他爷爷想拍**。

his grandfather __to __some photos.3.我的随身听在**?它刚才在这里。

___is my cd walkman? ithere just now.4.露茜通常举行生日聚会吗?

lucy usuallya birthday party?5.刘涛正在看赛跑,他想拍些**。

liu taoahe __to take some photos.6.今天是体育运动日。瞧!所有的学生们都非常激动。

it'stoday. look! all theare very __7.是该吃蛋糕的时候了。it's time __some cake.

七、用所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整并正确。(0.5'×8=4')itbe) sports day.

ibe) very excited. look, i am __watch) a running race now.

iwant) totake) some photos. but where isi )camera? itbe) in my bag just now.

who can helpi )?




淮安市富士康实验小学六年级英语 上 周末练习第十一周。命题人 卢亮亮审核人 汪长青牛津小学英语6aunit1 3测试。一 按要求写词10 基数词形容词现在分词复数过去式完全形式同音词所有格序数词近义词。二 词组互译10 1.禁止停车2 一份生日礼物3.刚才4 一副眼镜5.三月二日6 sports d...


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