六年级下册英语 外研社三起 教案第四模块第二单元

发布 2020-08-11 16:20:28 阅读 5198


unit2 the apples are falling down the stairs.


unit2 the apples are falling down the stairs.


掌握单词stairs, mess以及句子:the apples are fallingdown the stairs. can he help?

yes, he can. no, he cant.


3.情感目标:培养学生关心他人、助人为乐的品质。教学重点:who can help me? i can’t carry them all.

sorry, i can’t. i’m ****** daming’s birthday card. yes, i can help he help?

yes, he can. no, he can’t.教学难点:

单词stairs, mess的听、说、读、写。教学准备:录音机、苹果、可乐、**等课时安排:




即时反馈。step1. warming up


who can help me?ss: i can.

在部分学生帮助老师的过程中,教师就正在发生的情景询问其余的学生。t: what are they doing?

ss: they are….教师板书pick up,引导学生说出they are picking up the presentation


t: look at the picture. why is the girl crying? what’s happening?

s1: the apples are falling.

教师手拿苹果,在挂图上演示出苹果从楼梯滑落的动作:t: the apple is falling down the stairs.教师手指楼梯领读stairs。

教师把苹果放在课桌上,不小心碰到了桌子,苹果从桌子上掉下来,t: the apple is falling down the desk.从而使学生更好的理解:

falling down这个短语。t: what’s happening to the cola?

s2: the cola if and the eggs?s3:

the eggsare yes. the apples are falling down the stairs. the cola is falling.

and the eggsare broken. what a mess!


t: now listen to the tape and find out how many“falling”words in the plays the tape.

ss: two“falling”words.2>学生逐句跟读两遍录音。3>学生有表情的朗读课文。3、学习课文第二部分1>听音连线。

t: who can help the girl? look at part 2, let’s listen and match.2>指图说话。

t:who can help the girl? what will he /she do?

who can’t help the girl? why?please talk with your partner.

教师让学生两人一组指图来描述每个人的情况。t: who can help the girl? what will he/she do?

s1: the man can help the girl. he will pick up the the boy can help the girl.

he will wash the the girl can clean the stairs.3>你问我答。

教师让学生两人一组指着第二部分**进行问答练习。a: can she help?

b: no, she can’t. she is talking on the phone.4、分角色表演。

把课文第一部分和第二部分的内容结合,让学生四人一组分角色进行表演。哪个组表演的最生动形象,将被评为“最佳表演小组”。step3. practice1、趣味组合。


the elephants are playing computer games in thelake.然后三人一组开展活动,比一比哪三个同学的句子最有趣,教师评出“最佳组合奖”。2、诗歌朗诵。

1>教师放录音,学生看插图试着理解诗歌大意。2>教师逐行讲解诗句,重点讲解短语:get on, get off。3>再放录音,每句后停顿,学生跟读。

4>学生边朗诵诗歌边表演,教师对表现好的同学予以奖励。step4 development


a. read the text fluently , copy the tape as possible as you make sentences with three new words.

板书设计:unit 2 the apples are falling down the apples are falling down.

the eggs are falling down, too.→i can help her. i will…the cola is falling, too.


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