新版PEP小学英语六年级下册unit1 3单元测试题

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pep小学英语六年级下册unit 1重点练习题。

一、read and write.(下面写出下列单词的比较级。)

young— _short— _small— _strong—__long—__

he**y—__big—__thin—__tall— _old— _

二、read and choose.(下面每组单词有一个是不同类的,请选出来。)

) 1. a. youngerb.

strongerc. singerd. shorter ( 2.

a. hand b. than c.

armd. head

) 3. a. feet b. leg c. wear d. hair4. a. both b. cm c. m d. kg

三、read and choose.(单项选择。)

) 1. -how __are you? -i’m 46 kilograms. a. short b. he**y c. small

) 2. john is ten years is eleven . bob is one year than john.

a. older b. younger

) 3. -is the tree? -20m. a. how much b. how tall c. how he**y

) 4. my shoes are size 37. your shoes are size shoes are __than mine.

a. smaller b. bigger c. shorter

) 5. -i’m 1.65 metres.

--i’m 1.59 metres. you arethan me.

a. tall b. he**ier c.


四、read 、choose and fill in the blanks.(选一选,在横线上填上所缺的单词。)

b. big c. he**y e. old

1. –howare you? –i’m 162 cm. i’m taller than you now.

2. –howis your brother? –he’s 46 kg.

3. –howare you? –i’m 13 years old.

4. –howis your hair? –it’s 30 cm. my hair is longer than yours.

5. –howare your feet? –they are 23 cm. my feet are bigger.

五、read and choose.(找一找,根据问句找答语。)

)1. how tall are you? a. sarah.

)2. how he**y is zhang peng? b. chen jie’s .

)3. what size are amy’s shoes? c. he is 48 kilograms.

)4. who is younger? d. i’m 1.63m.

)5. whose dress is longer? e. her shoes are size 7.

六、rearrange the words.(连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。)

1. i 1.6 meters am

2 . wear, 38 i size shoes in china (.

size are what your, (

4you than me he**ier are

2015pep小学英语六年级下册unit 2重点练习题。

一read and choose.(读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。)

) c. eating

) sunday

) bigger c. cleaned

) was b. am c. are

) c. lives

二、read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的正确形式。)

1..swim(现在进行式) 过去式)

过去式) 过去式)

原形) 过去式)

三、choose the best answer. (选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。)

) 1. —did you clean your room?—_

i did. b. no,i don’t. c. no, i did.

) 2.—what did lisa do yesterday?—she___to music.

b. listen c. listened

) 3. did john___a cold yesterday?

b. had c. h**e

) 4. lisa usually___her homework after super.

c. did

) 5.__he___football last weekend?

a. did, played b. did, play c. did, plays

)6. —what did john do yesterday morning?

a. he went boating. b. she made the bed. c. he sleep all day.

)7. i went to the park___

a. tomorrow b. last weekend c. everyday

) mom___busy yesterday.

a. was

) stories last night.

a. reading

) 10.—what___linda do the day before yesterday ?

—she visited grandparents with her parents.

a. does

四、rearrange the words.(连词成句。),you , what ,do , did ?

,i , home , weekend , stayed , at .,did , a , he , cold , yesterday ?

2015pep小学英语六年级下册unit 3重点练习题。

1、read and choose.(读一读,选出不同类的一项,只填序号。)

)1. a .licked b. laugh c. saw ( 2. a. read b. see c. went

)3. a. beach b. mule c. horse ( 4. a. watched b. till c. stayed

二.look, read and write. (看图,根据**提示完成句子。)

1. what did lisa do on the labour holiday?she

2. what happened, john? i脚受伤。

3. what did you do yesterday? ifor my friends.

youno, i didn’t. iwith my friends.

三、look and write(看一看,写一写。)



四、look and choose. (看一看,选出最佳答案。)

( )did mr guo go last saturday? _a. he went to a park. went hiking.

( )you___there?we saw lots of do

( )3.__did you go with?my parents and me. who

( )you go to beijing last week? i did.

( )did meimei go to the zoo? went on foot. went to hainan.

五、read and choose.(读问句,选答语,并将序号填入括号中。)

) did you go on your holiday?

) she go to xinjiang

) did he go

) happened

) you all right?

ok now. fell off my went to sanya.

went by plane. did.

六、look and write.(连词成句。)

1. did mike what last do weekend (

2. did go you where (

3. you to go turpan did (

4. go did you there how (

5. we there plane by went (


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