
发布 2020-08-07 08:31:28 阅读 3952

听力部分。一、 听录音,选出你听到的单词并将其标号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

a b c( )1、 smaller stronger shorter

( )2、 seal shark lobster

( )3、 bigger taller thinner

( )4、 even each than

( )5、 older he**ier younger

( )6、 his tail his hand his head

( )7、 younger and funnier younger and funny stronger and funnier

( )8、 157cm 147cm 169cm

( )9、 how old are you ? how he**y are you ? how tall are you ?

( )10、the yellow dog is bigger. the yellow dog is smaller. the brown dog is bigger.

二、 听录音,判断下面的**或句子是否与录音内容相符,符的在其下面的括号里打“√”不符的打“×”10分)

1、 2、i am he**ier than john .

3、chen jie‘s feet are bigger than mike’s feet .

6、my friend is older than me. (

7、the killer whale is shorter than the sperm whale in its length. (

mike‘s lily’s

三、 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母编号填到句子前面的括号里。(10分)

( )1、a: amy is taller than me.

b: peter is stronger than me.

c: linda is shorter than me.

( )2、a: i‘m 42kg. b: i’m 14 years old. c: i‘m 154cm.

( )3、a: yes, i am thinner. b: yes, i am shorter. c: no, i am older.

( )4、a: the red bag is he**ier.

b: the green bag is smaller.

c: the blue bag is 3kg.

( )5、a: it’s 20cm. b: it‘s 160cm. c: it’s sma

all.四、 听录音,在句子的空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(10分)

1、mike is cm. he‘s than me.

2、line up from to .

3、is the brown dog than the black one ?

no, it’s .

4、look, sarah is and than chen jie .

5、how is your cat ? it‘s 2kg. it’s than yours.


( )1、john is my brother.

( )2、i am 5 cm shorter than john.

( )3、he is stronger and he**ier than me.

( )4、his dog‘s head is smaller than my dog’s head.

( )5、his dog is very smart.


mary: hello, sarah! (1) ?

sarah: i am 45 kg . 2) ?

mary: i am 47 kg .(3) .

sarah: yes. you are he**ier than me. (4) ?

mary: i am 151 cm . 5) ?

sarah: yes, i am taller than you . i am 154 cm .

a、how about you ? b、are you shorter than me ?

c、how taller are you ? d、are you taller than me ?

e、how he**y are you ? f、how tall are you ?

g、i am he**ier than you .


chen jie and chen lin are sisters. chen jie is 14. she‘s 2 years younger than chen lin.

but she’s taller than chen lin. chen jie is 46kg . she‘s 1kg he**ier than chen lin.

chen jie likes sports. she does sports every day. so she’s stronger than chen lin.

chen jie has short hair, but chen lin has long hair. they often wear the same size shoes. they wear size 36.

they love each other.


( )1、chen jie has sister.

a: a younger b: an older

( )2、chen lin is kg .

a: 45 b: 47

( )3、chen lin is

than chen jie.

a: taller b: shorter

( )4、chen lin‘s hair longer than chen jie’s .

a: is b: isn‘t

( )5、chen jie wear size .

a: 35 b: 36


(playing bigger older big longer friends stronger younger thinner he**ier park taller)

there ia an animal near my house. it’s very . there are many animals in it.

it‘s an animal world. all kinds of animals are . they are good

. look, there is a rabbit and a cat under the tree. the rabbit’s ears are than the cat‘s.

there is an elephant and a horse at the river. the elephant is and

than the horse , but it’s not than the giraffe. the re are two monkeys on the monkey‘s hill. the brown monkey is ten years old.

the yellow monkey is four years old. the brown monkey is than the yellow one, so it’s , too.


1、i am 46 kg .

2、yes, i am stronger than my brother.

3、my friend is 9 years old.

4、peter is shorter than sam.

5、she is 155cm tall.





一:b c c a a c c a b c

二:1、zhang peng is taller than wu yifan. 2、i am 41 kg .

john is 37 kg . 3、chen jie wears size 34. mike wears size 32 .

4、the bus is bigger than the bike . 5、the rabbit‘s tail is longer than the monkey’s tail . 6、sarah is my friend.

a: how old are you, sarah ? b:

i am 11 years old . what about you ? a:

i am 13 years old . 7、a: how long is the killer whale ?

b: it‘s 8 m . what about the sperm whale ?

a: it’s 15 m . 8、a:

how tall are you , peter ? b: i‘m 155cm .

what about you, titer ? a: i’m taller than you .

i am 160 cm. 9、a: how old are yo

u , chen jie ? b: i‘m 12 .

what about you , mike? a: i’m14 .

10、a: how many books can your schoolbag h**e, mike ? b:

15. how about your schoolbag , lily ? a:

13三:1、who is shorter than you ? 2、how he**y are you? 3、are you younger than alice ?

4、which bag is smaller ? 5、how long is your english book ? c a c b a )

四 younger 2、shorter taller 3、smaller bigger 4、taller stronger

5、he**y thinner

五、i h**e a friend . he is john . he‘s 160 cm .

i’m 155 cm . he is taller than me . but i‘m stronger than john .

i am 52 kg . he is 43 kg . his head is smaller than my head .

john has a black dog . his dog is thinner than my dog . but his dog is very clever .

we often play football in the park.(×


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