
发布 2020-08-06 19:36:28 阅读 7365


黑色单词olympic game奥林匹克运动会summer olympics夏季奥运会winter ..两者),一副try it on试穿clothes衣服boring单调乏味的go shopping购物those那些think想washing machine洗衣机a piece of cake形容极其容易usually通常地half一半past晚于,迟于get to around绕着。转mid-autumn festival中秋节。

重点词组:play basketball打篮球play football踢足球do high jump跳高do long jump跳远go running跑步pass theball传球pick some vegetable采摘蔬菜keep healthy保持健康。

a pair of shots一条短裤do some housework做家务make the bed整理床pick up the toys捡起玩具water the plants给植物浇水clean the toilet打扫厕所wash my clothes洗衣服walk toschool步行去学校take a taxi搭的士go to your seat回到座位go to bed去睡觉read a storybook看故事书watch a film看电影play the violin拉小提琴句型重点。

you watch the olympic game on tv?你有在电视上看奥林匹克运动会吗?yes,we did.是的我们有。

do you know about the olympic games?你知道关于奥运会的什么吗? take place every four year.他们每四年举行一次。

are summer olympics and winter olympics.有夏季运动会和冬季运动会。 are five rings on the olympic flag.

在奥林匹克旗帜上有五环。 color are they?他们是什么颜色?

are blue,black,red,yellow and green.他们是蓝色,黑色,红色,黄色和绿色。 you sing the song you and me?

你会唱你和我这首歌吗?yes, i can.是的,我会。

is he from?他来自**?he’s from austrailia.

他来自澳大利亚。 he exercise every day?他每天做运动吗?

yes,he does.是的。 he often do high jump?

他经常跳高吗?no, he doesn’t.没有。

is sitting between ben and sally.奶奶正坐在本和萨利之间。

is standing between lily and julia.萨利正站在莉莉和茱莉亚之间。 are boating with their father.

他们正和他爸爸划船。 are cheering for their class team.他们正在为他们班级欢呼。

you often exercise?你经常运动吗?yes,i do.

是的。your f**orite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么?runnning,跑步skating,滑冰swimming,游泳boating,划船high jump.

跳高long jump,跳远basketball,篮球football.足球 you in the kitchen ?你在厨房吗?

yes, mom.是的妈妈。 me a basket,please.

请拿一个篮子给我。all right.好的 an umbrella with you .

带一把雨伞。 not come with me?为什么不和我一起来。

going pick some vegetables.我要去摘一些蔬菜。 one do you like?


like menu a.我喜欢a菜单。why do you like it?为什么你喜欢它? ice cream is sweet.因为冰淇淋很甜。

do you usually h**e for lunch on monday /tuesday/wednesday/thursday/friday/


h**e rice and eggs.我们吃米饭和蛋。

i help you?我能帮你吗?yes, i need a dress.

是的,我需要一条裙子。 daughter wants a dress.我的女儿想要一条裙子。

son wants a pair of shorts.我的儿子想要一双鞋。 want a cap.


about this pink dress?这条粉红色的裙子怎么样?i like the color.

我喜欢这个颜色。 i try it on ?我可以试一下吗?

sure.当然。 you like it ?

你喜欢它吗?yes,i do.是的。

look beautiful in your dress.你穿裙子看起来很漂亮。thank you .谢谢。

can wear shorts ,trousers and t-shirts like boys.女孩可以像男孩子一样穿短裤,长裤,和t恤。

can’t wear skirts or dresses like girls.男孩不能像女孩一样穿短裙和连衣裙。

the boy between the two women?两个女人之间的男孩是谁?that’s peter.

那是彼得。 dirty socks are those?那是谁的脏袜子?

i think they’re ben’s.我想他们是本的。 those your toys?

那些事你的玩具吗?yes,they are.是的 them in the box.

把他们放在盒子里。all right.好的。

51. clean your bedroom.打扫卧室make the bed.

整理床pick up the toys.捡玩具water the plants.给植物浇水。

ok,it’s a piece of cake .好的,很简单。

help me clean the toilet.请帮我打扫厕所。好的,妈妈 usually gets up at half past six.

王涛经常6:30起床。 usually walks to school.


usually gets to school at seven twenty.他经常7:20到校。

morning he got up at half past seven.他今天早上7:30起床。 morning he took a taxi.他今天早上坐的士。

morning he got to school at eight o’clock.他今天早上8点到校。 i come in?

我可以进来吗?come in ,please.请进。

were you late today?他今天为什么迟到?i got up late this morning.

我今天早上起来晚了。 did you go to bed last night?你昨晚什么时候**睡觉?

at half past did you go to bed so late ?你为什么那么迟睡觉? watched a football game on tv.

我在电视上看足球赛。 did you do last night?你昨晚在做什么?

watched a football game.我看足球比赛。

a story book.看故事书。watched a film.看电影。did my homework.做作业。

did you do yesterday afternoon?你昨天下午做什么?i did some shopping at the supermarket.我在超市购物。

the day today?今天是几号?it’s november 17. 11月7日。

is thanksgiving?感恩节是什么?it’s an amercan holiday.

他是美国的节日。 is it?它在什么时候?

the fourth thursday of november. 11月第四个星期四。

do you spend it?他如何度过?we h**e a big family dinner.

我们有一个大的家庭晚餐。 me the corn,please.请把玉米递给我。

here you are.给你thank you.谢谢you’re welcome.


you like some soup?你想要一些汤吗?yes,please.

是的no,thank you .不,谢谢 there any people on the moon?有人在月球吗?

no,there aren’t.没有yes,there are.有 there a rabbit on the moon?

有兔子在月球上吗?no,there isn’t.没有yes,there is.有。


you watch the olympic game on tv?你有在电视上看奥林匹克运动会吗?yes,we did.是的我们有。do you know about the olympic games?你知道关于奥运会的什么吗?take place every four year.他们每四年举行一...


闽教版三年级上学期期末复习提纲。南平市大横中心小学 miss ye 一 各单元重点句型和对话 每天熟读一遍 unit1 hello 你好 wang tao你好,我是王涛。to meet you很高兴见到你。nice to meet you,too我也很高兴见到你。your name你的名字叫什么?m...


五年级上期末复习提纲姓名。1.重点单词2.节日和对应十二个月份 写上中文 规则变化 ed 打 篮球 踢 足球 弹 钢琴 参观。看 电视 不规则变化。是 单数 were 是 复数 bought买。went 走,去。拍 乘 汽车,火车 did 做 作业 游泳。吃。看见。吃 饭 3.重点短语。the su...