
发布 2020-08-06 00:11:28 阅读 8684



一般疑问句是: 1.以be动词 (am,is,are,)开头。

2.以情态动词can或助动词do,does,did 开头。

回答方法:做肯定或否定回答。1.肯定回答 yes,主语 + 提问词。

2.否定回答 no,主语+提问词+not.

主语是人名时的答语 :看性别,男的用he ,女的用she ,其他的用it ,复数就用they。

1. is she...yes, she is. no,she isn,t

is heyes, he is. no,he isn,t.

is she strict?她严厉吗? -yes,she is.是的。

is he young?他年轻吗?-yes ,he is.是的。

is he wu yifan?他是吴一凡吗?- yes,he is.是的。

is she in the study?她在书房吗? -no, she isn’t.不,她没在。

is she in the kitchen?她在厨房吗? yes,he is.是的。

is she in the living room?她在客厅吗?no,she isn’t.不,她没在。

is he drinking water?他正在喝水吗? no,he isn’t.不,他没有。

it...yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

is it in your desk? 它在你书桌里吗? is.是的。

is it cold in moscow? 莫斯科冷吗? is.是的。

is this your uncle? 这是你叔叔吗?-yes,it is.-是的。

is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?yes,it is.-是的。

there...yes,there is. no,there isn’t

is there a river in the park?在这个公园里有一条河吗?yes,there is.是的,有。

is there a restaurant beside the lake?在湖的旁边有餐馆吗?no,there isn’t

is there a river in the forest?在这片森林里有条河吗? no,there isn’t.没有。

is there a lake in the park?在这个公园里有湖泊吗?y es,there is.有。

you...yes,i am. no,i am not.

are you from china? 你来自中国吗? yes,i am.是的。

are you cooking? 你正在煮饭吗? yes,i am.是的。

are you doing kung fu? 你正在练功夫吗?yes,i am.是的。

they...yes, they are. no,they aren’t .

are these yours? 这些是你的吗?--yes,they are. -是的。

are they tomatoes?它们是西红柿吗?-no,they aren’t.-不,不是。

are they on the table? 他们在桌子上吗?-no,they aren’t. -不,不在。

are they under the desk? 他们在桌子下面吗?-yes, they are. -是的。

are these rabbits eating?这些兔子正在吃吗?-no,they aren’t. -不,他们没有。

are the monkeys climbing trees?猴子们在爬树吗?yes, they are.-是的。

there...yes,there are. no,there aren’t

are there any animals in the zoo?这个动物园里有一些动物吗?yes,there are.这里有。

are there any lakes in the park?公园里有湖泊吗?-no,there aren’t.没有。

are there any tall buildings in the nature park?自然公园里有高大的建筑物吗?

-no,there aren’t.不,没有。

are there any lakes on the mountain?山上有湖泊吗?-yes,there is one.

you...yes,i can. no, i can’t.

can you play ping-pong? 你会打乒乓球吗?-a little. -会一点。

can you do any kung fu?你会一些功夫吗?-yes,i can. -是的,我会。

can you cook?你会煮饭吗?-yes,i can. -是的,我会。

can you swim? 你会游泳吗?-no,i can’t. -不,我不会。

i...yes,you can. no, you can’t.

can i h**e a knife and fork,please?我可以要刀叉吗? -yes,you can. 是的,你可以。

can i h**e some soup?我可以喝些汤吗? -yes, you can. -是的,你可以。

can i go outside now? 现在我可以出去了吗? -no, you can’t.-不,你不能。

can we use your crayons?我们可以用你的蜡笔吗?yes,you can./ you are好的。

you ..yes ,i do. no,i don’t.

do you h**e a library? 你们有个图书馆吗?-yes,we do.-是的。

do you h**e a music room? 你们有个**教室吗?-yes,we do. -是的。

do you know mr young?你知道杨先生吗?-no,i don’t. -不,我不知道。

do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园读书吗?-no,i don’t.

do you often play ping-pong on the weekend?你经常在周末打乒乓球吗?yes,i do.

do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?你经常在周末洗你的衣服吗?

do you like the music,children?孩子们,你们喜欢这首**吗?-yes, we do.是的。

do you want to learn about robots?你想学习有关机器人的知识吗?yes,i do.是的,我想

10. do they ..yes,they do. no,they don’t.

do they cook chinese food?他们煮中国的食物吗? -no,they don’t.不,他们没有。

11. does he ..yes ,he does. no,he doesn’t.

does he live in china?他住在中国吗?-no,he doesn’t.不,他不在。

does he live in sydney? 他住在悉尼吗?-yes ,he does. 是的,他在。

does oliver do word puzzles every day?奥利弗每天都猜字谜吗?-yes,he does.是的。

does she go hiking?她去远足吗?-yes,she does.是的。

12 .did you...yes,i did. no,i didn’t. .

did you see a film?你看了电影吗?-no,i didn’t. 不,我没有。

did you like it?你喜欢它吗?-yes,i did.是的。

did you go to turpan?你去了吐鲁番吗?-yes, i did.是的。

13. did he..?yes,he did. no,he didn’t.

did he h**e a cold yesterday?他昨天感冒了吗?-yes,he did.是的。

did john see a film last weekend?上周末约翰看电影了吗?-no,he didn’t.没有。







what’s your name?你的名字叫什么?my name is john.我的名字叫约翰。

what’s his name? 他的名字叫什么?his name is jim .他的名字叫吉姆。


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