六年级英语上册基础训练自主学习指导课程答案 1

发布 2020-08-05 03:20:28 阅读 3340




封面目录第 1页。

unit 1 how can i get there? 参***………第2~4页。

unit 2 ways to go to school参***………第5~7页。

unit 3 my weekend plan参***第8~9页。

recycle 1 参***第10页。

unit 1 how can i get there?

part a

i. read and choose(读一读,给对话泡中的句子选择合适的答语吧).

. read and circle(阅读上面的对话, 选出相对应的**).

where is the museum? a

. read and choose(阅读上面的对话,选出相应的答案).

1. b 2. a 3. b

. look, write and say(看一看,写一写,说一说).

1. —is there a bookstore in the map?

—yes, there is.

2. —where is the science museum?

—it’s behind the cinema.

3. —where is the hospital?

—it’s in front of the school.

4. —where is the post office? i want to send a postcard.

— it’s next to the cinema.

. read and circle(读图,圈出与**相对应的选项).

a. look, read and choose(看一看,读一读,选出句子所描述的图画).

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b

. read and finish the map(读一读,完成地图).

can you finish the puzzle?

part b

i. read and choose(读一读,将所缺句子的代号填写在横线上).

d c b a

. read and choose(根据上面的对话,选出相应的答案).

1. a 2. b 3. a

. read and judge(根据上面的对话,判断对“√”错“×”

. read and choose(为下列单词或短语选择正确的**).

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

. read and write(读一读,写一写).

first,go straight on the long street. then turn right at the second crossing. the hospital is next to the cinema on the right.

then go straight. you can see the library at the end of the road.

. read, find and write(mr black要去几位同学家家访,你能根据路线写出mr black去哪几位同学家吗?)

1. liu yun’s 2. bai ling’s

. read number(读课本第8页read and write, 选出相应的**).

a . look and write(看一看,写一写).

first, go straight. turn right at the second crossing. go straight again.

then turn left at the supermarket. go straight and you can see our school on your right.

self check

. listen and number(听录音,给下列**排排序吧).

略。. listen and number(听录音,根据录音内容提供的方位找到对应的地点).

略。. listen fill in the blanks(听录音,补全对话).

略。. listen and draw(听录音,根据你所听到的内容用箭头画出到学校的路线).

略。. read and judge( 读一读,判断句子的语音语调是“t”否“f”正确).

1. t 2. t 3. f 4. t

. read and write(读一读,写一写).

1. —where is the hospital?

—it’s near the library.

2. —is there a post office in your city?

—yes, there is.

3. —where is robin?

—it’s in the science museum.

4. —how can i get to the cinema?

—go straight, then turn left.

5. —how can i get to the restaurant?

— first, you can go straight. then turn right.

. read the passage and do the exercises(读短文,完成题目).

mark true(t) or false(f) (判断对“t”错“f”)

1. t 2. f 3. f 4. t 5. f

answer the questions(回答问题).

1. it’s next to the cinema.

2. he wants to go to the library.

3. first, turn left at the science museum. next, go straight on dongfang street.

then cross the first crossing.

. read and answer(读课本11页的story time, 回答问题).

1. it’s next to the film museum near the thames.

2. go straight and turn left.

3. yes, he does.

unit 2 ways to go to school

part a

.read and number(读对话,将下列**按照对话内容标号).

.read and write “t” or “f”(再读上面的短文,判断对“t”错“f”).

1. f 2. t 3. t

. try to write(试一试,写出3个通顺的句子,你能发现行李箱里的秘密吗)?

例: i often come to school on foot.

we usually get to the library by bike.

she often goes to the cinema by taxi.

. read and circle(看图读句子,圈出正确描述**的句子).

1. a 2. b 3. a

. find and write(找到每个人去某地的方式,将下面的句子补充完整).

1. amy often comes to the cinema by subway.

2. chen jie usually comes to the post office by train.

3. zhang peng often comes to the bookstore by taxi.

4. sometimes robin comes to zoo by bus.

. read, choose and write(读句子,选择正确的词组将下列句子补充完整).

1. by plane 2. by ship 3. by bike

. read, choose and write(认真读**,完成句子).

1. choose and write(仔细阅读**,选择恰当的词完成句子).

a. amy: i usually come to school on foot.

b. mike: i often come to school by bike.

c. sarah: usually i come to school bike. sometimes i go on foot.

2. read and write(根据**内容将句子补充完整).

a. on monday, amy comes to school on foot.

b. on wednesday, mike comes to school by subway.


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