
发布 2020-08-04 14:45:28 阅读 8185




1. he___tv every evening. but he didn’tyesterday evening.

(watch)2. jenny and peterto school on mondays.(not walk)3.

your shoesunder the bed just now.(be)4. shenot visit) her aunt last weekend.

5. noswim)二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. there are manysheep) on the farm.2.

look, the girlsing).3. john alwaysh**e) breakfast at 8:

00.4. shirleygo) canada next month.

5. jimbegin) to learn chinese last year.三、用单词的适当形式填空。

1. my mothernot like) apples or oranges.2.

it’s time forplay) football.3. i likego) shopping very much.

4. weh**e) an exciting party last weekend.5.

—what are you doing?—iclean) the room.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. can you come withmy)?2.

the new teacher is veryfriend) to us.3. my fatherbe) born in are many women andchild) in the room.

5. they wantdo) some shopping next weekend.6.

katenot like) reading news*****s.7. miss wanggive) me a gift on my next birthday.

8. let himh**e) a glass o water.9.

look! his mothercook) dinner for him.10.

you musthelp) your mother with housework at home.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. jim’s parents are doctors. my parents arefar).

2. my birthday’s on thefive) of to parties with my friends last weekend.4.

i likecollect) stamps very much.5. jim alwaysh**e) lot of qustions.

6. did you goswim) last sunday?7.

he closed the window just now. and now the window isclose).8.

peter’s father oftentake) a bus to go to wrk.9. please helpthey) do some housework.

10. look! theyplay) happily on the playground.

11. who canspeak) english well in your family?12.

tim and tomread) in the library. let’sjoin) them.13.

we will __go) for a picnic tomorrow. we __get) ready for it now.14.

marynot talk) with jackbe) quiet, please.15be) there any water in the bottle?16.

don’twash) your shirts now.17. thanks forhelp) me.


1. itbe) ben’s birthday last friday.2.

we allh**e) a good time last night.3. hejump) high on last sports day.

4. helenmilk) a cow on friday.5.

she likesnews*****s, but shea book yesterday.( read)6. hefootball now, but theybasketball just now.

(play)7. jim’s motherplant) trees just now.8theysweep) the floor on sundays?

—no, they素材积累】





PEP六年级英语下册专题训练听力 含听力材料

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根据提示完成句子。前进实验小学。史爱东。一 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.bill has twopen and one pencil.2.sheread english every morning.3.zhang ming is achina and jim is an american.4.we ...


根据提示完成句子。原创不容易,为有更多动力,请 关注 关注 关注 谢谢!举世不师,故道益离。柳宗元。前进实验小学。史爱东。一 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.bill has twopen and one pencil.2.sheread english every morning.3.zhang mi...