
发布 2020-07-27 09:29:28 阅读 6331

人教版小学unit 5,6复习。


1. where did you go on your summer vacation?

ion my summer vocation.

吃海鲜喝上午茶 h**e


二.把下列句子翻译成英文。translate the phrases into chinese.

帮助父母打扫卫生my parents __some __

去图书馆读书the library and __books

去上滑雪课skating classes

去哈尔滨旅行并且在雪中玩耍to harbin and __in the snow

买玩具,衣服和礼物 __toys, clothes and presents


学习做饺子to make

拜访祖父母并且庆祝春节my grandparents andspring festival

错过比赛the competition

把我的**给他们my photos __them


盼望见到他们forward tothem



1. do you how school go to usually

2. he on goes home foot.

3. what you know do libai about

4. is xu beihong why famous

5. far he lives from school the


1. -you look sad, why?

--i’m sad because i __the game.

a. lose b. lost losing

2. what kind of animals are sharks? (

a. reptile b. mammal c. insect d. fish

3. .what can monkeys do? (

---they __run very fast.

a. should b. can c. may


1. -我难过因为我输掉了游戏。i’m happy because i __games.

2. -我高兴因为今天是我的生日。i’m happy because __is my birthday.

3. -我担心因为我妹妹病了。 i was __because my sister was ill.

4. -我很骄傲因为我在考试中得了 wasbecause i got an a on my test.

5. 您在数学考试中考得好吗?--did youthe maths test?

-yes, i肯定回答) /no, i否定回答).

6. does tom know anything about libai?

yesno, he

7.今天是周几is it today? it is thursday.

8.今天几号is it today? it is dec.25th,2014.

六.read and write.

amarco polo was the first westerner to write about china. when marco was 17,he went to china with his father and uncle. marco was very clever.

he could speak four languages, including mongolian. he talked with kublai khan, the leader of china. they both learned a lot.

marco polo tr**elled to many places around china. he loved hangzhou very much. it had a beautiful lake and many canals.

it was like marco’s home, venice.

in 1292, marco polo left china. when he came home to italy, he told many stories about china. people are still reading these stories today!

answer the questions.

1. how old was marco polo when he came to china?

2. which city in china did marco polo like very much?

3. where was marco polo from?

beveryone in mr brown’s family is busy this weekend. mr brown is going to the bank in the morning. mrs brown is going to the shop by car.

their daughter ann is going to finish(完成)her homework. ann’s brother tom is going to play computer games. and then, they’re going to visit grandparents in the afternoon.

they’re going by subway because it’s far.

一) tick or cross. (判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。)

)1. everyone is busy on the weekend.

)2. mr brown is going to the library.

)3. ann is going to do her homework.

)4. they’re going to visit grandparents by bus.

二) answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答问题。)

5. where is mrs brown going?

6. how is mrs brown going?


六年级上册第五六单元达标检测卷 一 查字典填空。6分 缝 用音序查字法应先查大写字母 再查音节 用部首查字法应先查部首 再查 画。在 缝隙 一词中,缝 读 在 缝衣服 一词中,缝 的读音是 3分 2 下面是 缝 的字义,请选择恰当的填入相应的括号里。3分 a 用针线连缀。b 缝隙,裂开或自然露出的窄...


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