
发布 2020-07-27 02:56:28 阅读 8199




一、 听字母组合,把你所听到的选项填入提前的括号内,每题读一遍。(10分)

) 1. a. dge b. fjic. hjc

) 2. a .nfm b. thmc. ghn

) 3. a. voc b. bocc. cod

) 4. a. ega b. jifc. chq

) 5. a. bet b. cftc. tqf

二、 选出你所听到的单词。读两遍。(10分)

) 1. a. bite b. night c. bright

) 2. a. last b. fast c. east

) 3. a. age b. wake c. train

) 4. a. city b. visit c. pretty

) great b. afraid c. world

)6、a、happy b、he**y c、h**ing

)7、a、easily b、early c、easy

)8、a、young b、long c、strong

)9、a、reach b、peach c、teach

)10、a、milk b、meal c、meat

三、 听句子,把你所听到的选项填入提前的括号内,每个句子读两遍。(10分)

) 1. a. she’s from china.

b. he’s from china.

( )2. a. he is at school.

b. she is at school.

) 3. usually h**e breakfast at seven thirty.

usually h**e supper at six.

) 4. a. here you are.

b. you are welcome.

) 5. a. it’s on october 25.

b. it’s on december 25.

四、 听句子,选答语。每个句子读两遍。(10分)

)1 a、yes , i do . b、i usually h**e milk and bread.

)2、a、i m a boy . b、i live in shanghai.

)3、a、yes,he is . b、yes,he does .

)4、a、i usually get up at 7:30 .

b、yes ,i get up early.

)5、a、that is a cake. b、here you are.

五、 听音填词。每个句子读两遍。(10分)

1. show ( your pictures, please.

2. class ( at eight every week.

3. where does miss green ( from?

4. how about ( for a walk?

5. would you ( some coffee?



1.坐___2. 连衣裙___3.通常___4.窗户___



二、单项选择题 (10分)

) 1. what __she usually do after school?

a. does b. can c. is

) 2. _nice the stamp is!

a. what b. how c. it’s

) 3. please give __to me.

a. it b. the ruler c. a and b

) 4. look, the boys __kites.

a. are flying b. is flying c. likes flying

) 5. where does he __

he __in fuzhou.

a. live; live b. lives; lives c. live; lives三、情景搭配。(10分)

) 1. where are you from?

) 2. what time does mr brown get up?

) 3. pass me that plate,please!

) 4. how do you usually go to school?

) 5. does she do sports at six?

a. here it is.

b. i usually go to school on foot.

c. yes,she does.

d. he gets up at six every day.

e. i’m from paris.


1. today, is, here, everyone

2. driver, father, a, is, bus, her

3. her, behind, is, ann, mother

4. daughter, kate, she, my, is

5. time, is, supper, it, h**e, to


jack and sally are brother and sister. they are twins. they like to swim and ride bike.

they like to fly kites, too. they often (经常) run with the kites near the river . the kites are very high.

they look very happy (高兴) .

but not all of their f**orite games are the same. jack likes to play football and sally likes to play basketball. jack likes to jump high, he thinks it's easy, but sally thinks it's very hard .

sally likes to make something, but jack can't . sally can sing well and jack can throw the yo-yo very well.


( )1、jack and sally are brothers .

( )2、they like flying kites .

)3、they often run with the kites near the river .

( )4、jack likes playing basketball .

( )5、sally thinks high jump is easy .


听力材料:一。 j i 2. n f m 3. b o c h q q f

二。1. night 3. wake

7. early

三。 from china.

2. he is at school.

3. i usually h**e supper at six.

4. you are welcome

5. it’s on october 25.

四。 do you usually h**e for breakfast?

do you live?

he h**e big eyes?

do you usually get up?

that?五。1. show me your pictures, please.


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