
发布 2020-07-25 13:36:28 阅读 1183

lesson 1



)1、a. idea b. spring c. exciting d. sing

)2、a. school b. good c. foot d. football

)3、a. many b. class c. father d. last

)4、a. holiday b. tuesday c. wednesday d. sunday


1、eat(过去式) 2、is(过去式) 3、are(过去式) 4、 go(过去式。

5、eat(三单6、go(三单7、do(过去式) 8、begin(三单)

9、city(复数) 10、see(过去式)


1、how (be) your holiday?

2、i (go) to beijing yesterday?

3、 you (h**e) a good time last week?

4、we (like) it very much.

5、do you want (go) there?

选择填空: ) 1. the programmes very exciting last night.

a. was b. were c. is d. are

)2. she the spring festival.

a. likes b. like c. to like d. liking

) were you during the holiday? i at home.

a. was b. were c. is d. are

) spent the holiday tianjing.

a. in b. on c. of d. to

) went to beijing my parents.

a. in b. with c. of d. in

句型转换:1、my holiday was very wonderful.(根据划线部分提问)

2、i was at home during my holiday?

3、did they h**e a good time?(同意句)

4、i like jiaozi.(否定句)

5、 she is a student now.(用last year改写句子)




)1、a. english b. spring c. exciting d. sing

)2、a. watch b. that c. map d. thank

)3、a. think b. soon c. turn d. again

)4、a. england b. sing c. dancing d. evening


1、were (原型动词) 2、was (原型动词) 3、turn(过去式)

4、 listen(过去式5、h**e(三单6、sit (现在分词。


1、she is good atsing and dance).

2、the book is very (excite).

3、i h**e threetoy car).

4、we like (play) football.

5、i’d like (go fishing) there?

选择填空: ) 1. can you say it english?

a. in b. of c. with d. for

)2. the picture –book is very .

a. interest b. interesting c. interested d. to interest

) was she during the holiday? she at home.

a. was b. were c. is d. are

) bill ?

b. in b. on c. of d. to

)5. where were they during the holiday? they were kunming.

b. in b. with c. of d. in

句型转换:1、she is counting the numbers.(根据划线部分提问)

2、i was in shanghai during my holiday? (根据划线部分提问)

3、did they enjoy themselves?(同意句)

4、stand under the tree, please.(否定句)

5、the girls often flies kites.(用yesterday改写句子)




)1、a. glad b. sad c. table d. that

)2、a. food b. bookstore c. foot d. bookshop

)3、a. was b. about c. cinema d. last

)4、a. cinema b. certainly c. lucy d. clock


1、call (过去式) 2、buy (过去式) 3、were (原形)

4、play(过去式5、enjoy (过去式。


1、i (be) at the bookshop yesterday.

2、i (call) you yesterday, but you (be) at school.

3、she often (play) football.

4、she (play) football at that time.

5、my sister (see) a lot of new books last week.

选择填空: ) 1. hi, peter. tom you yesterday.

a. calls b. call c. to call d. called

)2. you interested in playing basketball? yes, i was.

b. was b. were c. are d. be

) brother a new computer game yesterday.

a. played b. playing c. play d. to play

) went to a movie yesterday.

a. see b. sees c. saw d. seeing

) enjoyed the book.

a. read b. reading c. to read d. reads

句型转换:1、i was at home yesterday.(一般疑问句)

2、were you at home during your holiday?(否定回答)

3、were you at the bookshop? (肯定回答)


1 夏。一 看拼音,写词语。qi n qi n x c o p f qi n j n q ng f i m n w yang y pang b ch ng qi n q h u ch n hu qi sh x z m n r n ch n f ng w i y 二 给加点字选择正确读音。ch o z...


一 听录音 根据所听内容按照事情发生的先后顺序给下列 排序。二 听录音,选择你你听到的单词。将单词序号填在题号前面的括号里。1.a.was b.has c.did 2.a.watched b.washed c.wash 3.a.h e b.drink c.drank 4.a.weekend b.sa...


一 看 听录音。仔细观察下面的 你会听到5个句子,判断你听到的句子与 中的内容是否相符,相符的在题号后面的括号里填 t 不相符的填 f 二 听录音,选择你你听到的单词。将单词序号填在题号前面的括号里。1.a.tallb.taller c.tallest 2.a.younger b.shorter c...