
发布 2020-07-22 09:32:28 阅读 1545



) 1. a. tall b. sharkc. short

) 2. a. fish b. whale c. jump

) 3. a. running b. diving c. bigger

) 4. a. older b. young c. strong

) 5. a. lobster b. cmc. kg.


1.更瘦的2.更小的3. 更壮的。

4. than5. bigger


) 1. how he**y are youa. they are size 39.

) 2. how tall are youb. i’m 15 years old.

) 3. how old are youc. i’m 45 kg.

) 4. what size are your shoes? d. i’m 158cm tall.

) 5. how long are your bede. it is 200cm.


1. mike: howyou ?

amy: i’m 40kg.

mike: i’m 35kg . i’myou.

2. sarahyou ?

liu yun: i’m 165cm.

sarah: i’m 160cm. you’re cmme.


) 1monkey do you like?

a. whob. whatc. which

) 2. i’m than you.

a. strongb. thinc. thinner

) 3. my hands are bigger than

a. youb. yourc. yours

) 4. how is your pencil?

a. tallb. longc. longer

) 5. i’m 5 older than you .

a. yearsb. cmc. year


) 1. 汤姆是160厘米高,塞拉是157厘米高, 可以说:

a. tom is taller than sarah.

b. tom is shorter than sarsh.

c. tom is 3cm shorter than sarah.

) 2. 百灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:

a. bai ling is 2 kg he**ier than mike.

b. bai ling is two years bigger than mike.

c. bai ling is two years older than mike .

) 3. 约翰有45公斤, 迈克有50公斤, 我们不能说:

a. mike is stronger than john.

b. mike is thinner than john.

c. mike is 5kg he**ier than john.

) 4. liuyun’s hair is 18 cm .

chen jie’s hair is 4 cm shorter than liu yun’s.

how long is chen jie’s hair?

a. 14 cmb. 15 cmc. 16cm

) 5. amy wear size 18. zhang peng wear size 16 .

whose feet are bigger?

a. amy’s feet are bigger.

b. zhang peng’s feet are bigger.

c. their feet are same.

七、 阅读理解(10分)

mary, jane and may are very good friends. mary is shorter than may, may is he**ier than jane. jane is thinner than mary.

how old are they? mary is 7 years old. jane is 12 years old and may is 9 years old.

they study at qinglan primary school. mary likes english, jane likes math and may likes all study hard.

a. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打“√”错的打“×”

) are 3 children in the story.

) 2. mary is shorter than may.

) is he**ier than jane.

) 4. jane is the youngest.

) 5. they are all good friends.

b. 根据短文内容回答问题。

1. where do they study?

2. does mary like english?

3. how old is may?

4. what does jane like?

5. are they good friends?



) b. angry c. happy d. trip

)2. b. long d. strong

) b. fooc. ton

)4. a. what b. which c. with d. when

) a cold mountains a fever a headache


1. feet(单数同音词。


原级缩写。7. young(比较级缩写。



to meet sorry to hear that.

do you h**e a high fever.


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