
发布 2020-05-28 22:40:28 阅读 1613



)1、 what wash2、 do go

( )3、 visit did4、 went help

( )5、 read clean


) 1. what __you usually do on the weekend?

a. doesb. doc. did

( )2. what __you do last weekend?

a. doesb. doc. did

( )3. did you help them clean their house?

a. yes, i did b. no, i did c. no, i don’t

( )4. did you __football last weekend?

a. playb. plays c. played

( )5. xiao jing __very busy yesterday

a. isb. arec. was

( )6. it’s __saturday morning.

ab. on c. in

) 7. they played football __their friends.

a. withb. forc. and

) 8. he washed clothes __cleaned his room.

a. withb. forc. and

( )9. liu yun walked __sarah’s home, then i walked __home.

a. /tobc. to, /

) 10. he jumped __the lake and swam __it.

a. in,tob. into, to c. to, in

) 11. i like to __kites i __kites yesterday

a. fly, fly b. flew, fly c. fly, flew

) 12. she often __to work by bus.

a. gob. goesc. is going

) 13. she helped tom __noodles yesterday.

a. cooked b. cooksc. cook

) 14. his hobby is __

a. diveb. divingc. dives

) 15. howyour parents feeling?

a. dob. arec. will


you go游泳) .


can骑)a bike to guangzhou library.

看) a doctor last night.

your friends go to the people’s公园)by bike?


1 他们昨天去了郊游。


2 tom 昨晚爬山了。

tomalast night.

3 他每天都看报纸。

heevery day

4 下个周末我们准备去旅游。

wegoing toa trip next weekend.

5 我妈妈昨天没有洗衣服。

my momclothes yesterday.


)1、你想知道同桌上个星期天做了什么, 你会说:

a. what are you doing last sunday?

b. what are you going to do last sunday?

c. what did you do last sunday?

)2、 你想知道你的朋友昨晚有没有看篮球,你会说:

a. do you watch the basketball match?

b. did you watch the basketball match?

c. are you watching the basketball match?


a. thank you. b. you’re helpful. c. you had much housework to do.

) 4、如果你想表达自己对别人的感激之情,你应说:

a. it’s nice of you. b. i thank you c. i’m grateful to you.

)5、如果你想邀请对方和你一起去购物, 你应说:

a. do you like to go shopping with me?

b. would you like to go shopping with me?

c. did you go shopping?


1、 how/was/weekend/your

2、 did/you/collect /stamps

3、 last/was/busy/weekend/mike

4、 morning/do/did/what/sunday/you/on

5、 lake/the/the/kite/into/flew


i had a happy weekend last week.

on saturday morning, i watched tv and helped my mother wash clothes. in the afternoon, i cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.

on sunday, i played football in the park. then i went to my grandparents’ house. grandpa played the piano!

the whole(整个) family was so happy. later, we wanted to swim. but it was too cold.

this was last weekend.

)1、 i h**e a happy weekend.

)2、 i h**e my own room.

)3、 my mom didn’t wash clothes saturday morning

)4、 they swam on sunday.

)5、 i was so bored last weekend.


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