
发布 2020-05-28 23:53:28 阅读 7675



1.在星期天早上 a chat

3.与……一样高 day

5.多做练习 for a walk

7.擅长 twin sister

9.游得慢 stronger


1. h**e (第三人称单数2. go (过去式。

3. many (比较级4. farther (原级。

5. thin (比较级6. jog (现在分词。

7. minutes(单数8. young (反义词。

9. big(比较级10. well (比较级。


a walk in the park __saturday morning.

a. went ,on b. went ,onc. goes ,at

you h**e __brothers or sisters?

a. someb. ac. any

hai's father is __than his uncle.

a. older and strong b. older and stronger c. old and stronger

is 2___older than___

a. year ,meb. years, myc. years ,me

hai is as __as su yang.

a. tallb. tallerc. he**ier

wants to __the goalkeeper ?

a. isb. doc. be

girl __green is su hai's sister.

a. inb. withc. on

is good __maths. ben does well __pe.

a. at; in b .in; at c. at; at

9. _is taller than d**id?

a. whose b. who c. who’s

10.__ruler is longer?

a. whose b. who c. who’s

11. betty is twelve years __she is one year __than me.

a. older; youngerb. older; old c. old , older

12. gao shan __faster than his friends.

a. swims b. swimming c. swim

s hair is longer than .

14. he __as __as liu ming.

a. run; fasterb. runs; fast c. runs; faster

15. the boys jumpthan the girls?.

a. do ; farther b. does ; father c. do ; father

四、从 ii栏中找出i 栏的正确的答句。 (10分)

iiihas a twin a little shorter.

one is years old.

they look the red one.

old is 's on the first of june.

he as tall as his don't.

is children's ling is.

s a book for that's interesting.

this your 's in the classroom.

s shorter than helen? you.

s it's hers. i think.


shan is thinner than d**id.(对划线部分提问)

is thinner than d**id?

gets up later than mike.(改为同义句)

mike gets upthan tom .

3.—高山体育好吗? —好,他是个强壮的男孩。

is gao shan at pe?

yes,he’s aboy.

is as old as lily.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)

lucy as old as lily?

she5. nancy’s ruler is longer than liutao’s.(对画线部分提问)

ruler longer liutao’s?


1. 你和苏阳一样高吗?

you as __as suyang ?

2. 我是家里的独生子。

i’m thein my family.

3. 做一些练习你会变得更强壮。

do someyou’ll get

4. 谁的眼睛大,你的还是她的?

eyesyous or

5. 谁比jim游得慢?

who swimsthan jim?


1. he want to do better than su yang.

a b c d

2. my mother must do any exercise every day.

a b c d


2011 2012学年度第二学期期中质量检测题。小学六年级英语试题。时间 60分钟总分120分,其中卷面分5分 等级 一 根据汉语提示,拼写单词。15分 1.汉堡2.美元。3.享用4.吵闹的。5.每个人6.错误的。7.小心的8.楼梯。9.大声地10.小号。11.队,组12.照耀。13混乱14.棒球1...


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