
发布 2020-06-01 14:24:28 阅读 9920


1. c _ l (酷的) _ng (年轻的) _ve(爱,喜欢)

4.dr_nk (饮料) _ther(天气)


)1 . a . headache b. fever c. phone

) 2. a. cute b. cool c . noodles

) 3. a. carry b. went c. had

) 4. a. aunt b. queen c. cousin

) 5. a. weatherb. cloudy c. windy

三、读一读, 从方框内选择合适词语填写到下面横线上。

1. jane is very nice, but she is __shy.

2. they __a watermelon and had it.

3. will it be __in shenzhen tomorrow ?

4. will you __your kite on saturday ?

5. it wasn’t clean then. it was __


) 1. do the housework a. 乘飞机旅行。

) 2 . h**e a picnic b. 居住在纽约。

) 3 . tr**el by plane c. 一个聪明的男孩。

4. a clever boyd. 举行野餐。

( )5. live in new york e. 做家务。


) it __cloudy in beijing?

a .is b . are c. be

( )2. amy __to school by bike yesterday.

a .go b. wentc. goes

) 3. i __two then.

a. am b. was c. were

4. did you __in new york last year ?

a. live b. lives c. living

( )5. mum ,i’m __i want some drinks , please.

a. hungry b. thirsty c. cool

六、 给下列问句选择合适的答语。

)1. will it be warm tomorrow? a. no, i didn’t.

( )lili a bit shyb. a ball bumped my head.

( )3. were you two thenc. yes, it will.

) you help your mother? d. no, i was four.

( )happened to your head? e. yes, she is .

七、阅读天地。 读一读,选一选。

tomorrow is saturday, let’s h**e a class party. we will go to a park. the park is near our school.

it’s very big and beautiful . we can play football. sam is going to go skating .

mr li , our english teacher will play the guitar. we will go there at nine o’clock.

( )1. tomorrow is

a. sunday b. saturday c. tuesday.

( )2. is the park big? _

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t c. no, it’s small

( )3. what will sam do? he will

a. swim b. go skating c. go home

)4. mr li is ourteacher.

a. chinese b. english

) will go there at __o’clocka. 7b. 8c. 9


) 1.机器人将做蛋糕。用英语应该说:__

a. robots will make cakes. b. robots can make cakes.

) 2.广州将下雨吗?该这样说:__

a. will it be rain in guangzhou? b. will it rain in guangzhou?


a. on monday,amy phoned grandma. b. on monday, grandma phoned amy.

)4. 汤姆帮助妈妈了吗?用英语这样说:__

a. did tom help mum ? b. tom helped mum.

)5. i went for a bike ride yesterday.该这么译:__

a. 我昨天去买自行车了。 b.我昨天去骑自行车了。


一1. oo u 5. e a

二、1. c

三、 bit

四1. e 2 .d 3. a 5 b

五、 2 .b 3. b

六、 七、 4. b

八、 5. b.


2018 2019学年上学期期中四年级英语试题。120分 60分钟 班级姓名等级 听力部分 60分 一 听录音,用abcde排序。10分 二 听录音,判断下列 与你所听内容是 a 否 b 相符。10分 三 听音,选图。10分 1 ab 2 ab 3 ab 4 ab 5 ab 四 听录音,连线。10分...


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