
发布 2020-06-01 16:45:28 阅读 8090





) 1. a. milkb. easyc. jam

) 2. a. science b. mathc. gray

) 3. a. square b. passc. circle

) 4. a. herb. minec. yours

) 5. a. teacher b. musicc. cook


1. what’s thethree third) class?

2. what’sin for) breakfast?

3. i likeplay playing) the piano.

4. let’sjump to jump) into the water.

goes) to the library every day.

6. draw twosquares square) for the eyes.

7. the bag is not___my mine). it’s __lili lili’s)


备选栏:what who whose how can

1do you like? i like ****** robots.

2do you do? how do you do?

3are you doing? i’m reading books.

4you flysure, i can.

5is thatthat’s mrs. newton.

6bag is this? it’s ken’s.


)1. what’s for breakfasta. it’s lili’s.

)2. whose bag is thisb. math.

)3. do you like mathc . milk and toast.

)4. can you play baseball? d. yes, i do.

)5. what’s the first class? e. no, i can’t.

)6. what are you doing? f. i’m ****** robots


)1. 初次见面,打招呼:

a. how do you dob. how are you?

)2. 你想知道john是否喜欢数学时,可以问:

a. i like mathb. do you like math?

)3. 平底锅很热,你想提醒ken:

a. come inb. be careful


a. thanksb. sorry

)5. 放学了,和同学们告别,可以说:

a. goodbyeb. hello

)6. 打**时,你可以这样打招呼:

a. how are you? b. hello, this is lili.

)7. 下午朋友约你去游泳,你觉得这样太棒了,你可以说:

a. greatb. yes

)8. 你想建议lili一起去游泳,你可以说:

a. let’s go swimming. b. let’s do exercise.

)9. 你想问john对面的人是谁:

a. what’s thatb. who’s that?

)10. 你想告诉ken你喜欢**,你可以说:

a. i like music. b. do you like music?


1. pancakes/ i’m / some / ******

2. nice / a / h**e / day

3. like / you / reading / do

4. teacher / she / is / a

5. play / baseball / can / you


there are three bears. mother bear, father bear, and baby bear. mother bear likes drawing.

she can draw many animals(动物), such as(例如)elephants, lions, and tigers. father bear likes cooking. he can make some pancakes, pizza, and toast.

he is a good cook. baby bear likes playing baseball and the violin. he plays baseball with his friends after school.

they h**e a happy family.

)1. mother bear is a good cook.

)2. father bear can cook some pancakes.

)3. baby bear doesn’t like playing baseball.

)4. they are not happy.

)5. baby bear doesn’t h**e friends.


四年级英语上册期末测试题书写等级 质量等级 一 找出每组中与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写在题前括号中。1.a.sheep b.horse 2.a.left b.right c.near 3.a.sports day b.take pictures c.listen to music 4.a.dum...


小学英语四年级上册期末测试卷 pep 又要迎来新的一年了。在同学们欢度寒假之前,让我们一起来完成这份英语测试。希望大家取得好成绩。也祝大家新年快乐!一 默写26个字母。大小写均需要写 22分 二。判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可 或 1分 4 4分。1.a.about b.now c.kno...


2018 2019学年上学期期中四年级英语试题。120分 60分钟 班级姓名等级 听力部分 60分 一 听录音,用abcde排序。10分 二 听录音,判断下列 与你所听内容是 a 否 b 相符。10分 三 听音,选图。10分 1 ab 2 ab 3 ab 4 ab 5 ab 四 听录音,连线。10分...