
发布 2020-06-01 14:19:28 阅读 3480


120分 60分钟)






) 1、 ab

) 2、 ab

) 3、 ab

) 4、 ab

) 5、 ab


1. amya.

2. benb.

3. kittyc.

4. joed.

5. tome.


)1、a. she’s reading a book. b. he’s running

)2a. she’s playing football. b. they’re playing basketball.

)3、a. turn leftb. i’m ten

)4、a. i’m on the leftb. go straight on.

)5、a. i’m reading a bookb. she’s taking pictures.


) yuanyuan is talking to her friend.

) what are you doing, mum?

) excuse me, where’s the park, please?

) what is yuan yuan doing?

) go straight on, it’s next to the supermarket.


一、判断下列单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写a, 不同的写b。(10分)

)1. left elephant2. take can

)3. street between4. right picture

)5. lost old


)1. -what are you doing?

playing football.

a. i’m b. she’s c. he’s

) 2. they are __a dragon boat.

a. row b. rows c. rowing

) 3. -where’s the train?

it’sthe hill.

a. near b. at c. down

) 4. she’s __to __friend.

a. taking, my b. talking, her c. talking, his

) 5. -thank you so much!

a sorry b you’re welcome . c no.

) 6. -excuse meis liqun supermarket?

go straight on, and then turn right.

a. where b. what c. who

)7. she likes football .

a play b plays c playing

) 8. look at these __

a picture b a picture c pictures

) 9.--what are they doing?

they’re __to music.

a. listen b. listening c. listens

) 10. the bus is the station .

a. atb. onc. with


1. some girls are __soya milk.

2. they’re __chess.

3. look at the people __the lake.

4. grandma is __a book.

5. _she doing?

elepant is __pictures.

is the train? it’s __the house.

8. amy is __to her friend.

are __a bike.

at the twelve am __

四、看图判断,与**相符的写a, 不相符的写b。(10分)

)1. the girl is dancing

)2. a: what’s she doing

b: she’s writing a letter

)3. please turn left.

)4. he likes playing basketall.

)5. he’s playing with a toy train

五. 情景选择(10分)

1 你想问sam,大明正在干什么,你会问( )

a sam, what is daming doing ? b what’ he doing ?

2. lingling告诉你她正在读书,她会说( )

a i am reading a book . b she is reading a book .

3 你向sam介绍你的朋友 maomao,你会说( )

a hello, maomao . b this is my friend maomao .

4 你告诉sam你和爸爸、妈妈都喜欢看电视,你会说( )

a we like watching tv. b you like watching tv .

5 你想问对方正在做什么,你会问( )

a what are you doing ? b what is he doing ?



my name is peter. i’m 9 years old. i h**e a big family.

look! they are my family. my father is watching tv.

my mother is reading a book. my grandma is sitting on the sofa. my brother is doing his homework.

i h**e two sisters. they are playing. i love them.

) 1. peter is 8 years old.

) 2. peter’s father is reading a book.

) 3. peter’s brother is playing.

) 4. peter has two sisters.

) 5. peter’s grandma is sitting on the sofa.


一 根据汉语提示,补全单词 1.c l 酷的 ng 年轻的 ve 爱,喜欢 4 dr nk 饮料 ther 天气 二 选出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。1 a headache b.fever c.phone 2.a.cute b.cool c noodles 3.a.carry b....


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