
发布 2020-06-01 11:13:28 阅读 8606

一、 介绍他人,并描述其性格特征。

词汇:naughty 淘气的 nice 好的,友善的 clever 聪明的 shy 害羞的 cool酷的。

cute 可爱的。

表示程度的单词:very , a bit

重点句型:(1)this isshe / he is

2)are you肯定回答:yes , i am. 否定回答 : no , i am not.

课文一:1. this is maomao.

she’s very nice. she’s a bit shy. 3.

this is ms smart. she’s a nice teacher. is xiaoyong.

he’s a clever pupil. this is parrot. parrot is a very naughty bird.

课文二: is my mother. she’s very nice.

2. this is my big brother. he’s cool.

3. this is my little sister. she’s cute.

4. this is my father. he’s very clever.

5. this is my friend. he’s very naughty.

eg: are you naughty? no, i am not.

are you clever? yes , i am.


描述城市/建筑的形容词:nice big small beautiful

描述城市/建筑物的句型:this isit’s very __

著名旅游景点或建筑物:the river thames泰晤士河 london bridge伦敦桥 tower of london 伦敦塔 tower bridge塔桥 big ben大本钟 buckingham palace 白金汉宫 hyde

park 海德公园。

l代表lingling, a代表amy)

课文一: this ? a: it’s a book about london. l: it’s very nice.

2. a: i’m from london.

l: london is the capital of england. a:

yes! and it’s very big.

3. l: ooooh! what’s this ? a: it’s buckingham palace.

4. l: it’s very big and very beautiful. a: yes, it is !

is that your house? a: no, it’s the queen’s house.

this is my house! it’s small. l: but it’s very beautiful, too.

课文二: is the river thames. it’s long and wide. l: there are many boats on the river.

2. a: this is big ben. it’s very old. l: and it’s very small.

3. a: this is hyde park. l: it’s very beatiful.

4. a: and this is tower bridge. it’s very famous. l: and it’s very beautiful, too.


重点句型:(1)we’re going to h**e a picnic.

2) will you肯定回答:yes , i will. 否定回答:no , i won’t.

eg: will you take a ball? yes , i will.

3) will you __on___肯定回答:yes , i will. 否定回答:no , i won’t.

eg: will you play football on monday? no , i won’t.

s代表sam , a代表amy)

课文一: father: on saturday we’re going to h**e a picnic! s and a: great!

2. s: will you take your kite tomorrow? a: no , i won’t.

3. s: oh. will you take your ball tomorrow? a: no , i won’t.

4. s: why not ? a : because tomorrow is friday.

5. s : oh! we’re going to h**e a picnic on saturday!

: yes! so i will take my kite and my ball on saturday.

课文二:next week is a holiday. what will you do ,shanshan?

on monday, i’ll go swimmingon tuesday, i’ll play with my friends.

on wednesday, i’ll go to the park. on thursday, i’ll do my homework.

on friday, i’ll visit my grandma. on saturday, i’ll help my mother.

on sunday, i’ll read my books


句型:①robets willshe/he/it can

it will be windy in beijing.

will it be windy in beijing? 肯定回答:yes , it will. 否定回答:no , it won’t.

s代表sam , d代表daming)课文一:1. s: what’s that? d : it’s a robot.

2. s: wow! it can walk! d : yes, it can. 3. d : and it can talk!

one day , robots will do everything. s : everything? will they do the housework?

d: yes , they will. and they will help children learn.

5. s :will they do our homework? d : no , they won’t.


形容词以及其比较级:tall→taller short→shorter old→older young→younger

strong→stronger high→higher small→smaller long→longer large→larger

big→bigger fat→fatter thin→thinner


句型结构:__is 形容词比较级 than __

eg: amy is taller than linglingbeijing is bigger than tianjin.

t代表the teacher , s代表sam , d代表daming)

课文一:t : stand up ,please, amy and lingling. amy is taller than lingling.

a :yes. and i’m older than lingling.

t : stand up ,please, sam and daming. sam is shorter than daming.

s : i’m younger than danming.

t : is sam stronger than lingling? d: yes ,he is .

d: whoops! no ,he isn’t.

课文二:the changjiang river is longer than the yellow river.

mount qimolangma is higher than mount tai.

the great wall is older than the summer palace.

beijing is bigger than tianjin.


特殊形容词的比较级:good→better bad→worse

s代表sam,t代表the teacher,a代表amy)

课文一: girl is good . i like her voice.

2. a : i think this girl is better than the first girl .

do you agree, sam? s: no, i don’t .

i think she’s worse.


1 速度用v表示,时间用t表示,路程用s表示,路程 速度 时间 s vt 速度 路程 时间 v s t 时间 路程 速度 t s v 2 长方形周长 长 宽 2,字母公式 c 2 a b 长方形面积 长 宽,字母公式 s ab 3 正方形周长 边长 4,字母公式 c 4a 正方形面积 边长 边长,字...


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