
发布 2020-05-30 03:21:28 阅读 3675



1. love

3. phone

4. help

5. like

6. walk


1.( beside a.在。旁边 b.之间。

2.( paint a.打** b.绘画

3.( boring a.无聊的b.健康的

4.( what a.什么 b.哪儿。

5.( stay a.天 b.停留


1.( 亲爱的 a. bear b. dear

2.( 星期六a. sunday b. saturday

3.( 印刷a. print b. printing

4.( 公园a. park b. picture

5.( 对的a. write b. right


1. (yesterday national day.

a. wereb. wasc. is

2. (lingling likes listening music.

a. tob. forc. in

3. (yesterday, he to school.

a. walking b. walksc. walked

4. (daming didn’t football.

a. playedb. playc. playing

5. (amy usually up at 7 on mondays.

a. getsb. getc. got


where is my desk我完成我的作业。

i finished my homework我的桌子在**?

look at the man between the two cars她昨天没有7点起床。

she didn’t get up at 7 yesterday中国人发明了纸。

chinese people invented *****看那两辆车之间的那个男人。


)1. 我通常骑车去公园。

a. i usually ride my bike to the park.

b. i didn’t ride my bike to the park.

)2. 她昨天七点没起床。

a. she usually gets up at seven on mondays.

b. she didn’t get up at seven yesterday.

)3. 今天是国庆节。

a. yesterday was national day.

b. today is national day.

)4. 他整天呆在家里而且打扫了所有的房间。

a. he stayed at home and cleaned all the rooms.

b. he stayed at home and helped his mother.

)5. 但是我昨天没有踢足球。

a. i usually plays football on sundays.

b. but i didn’t play football yesterday.


四年级期中复习一。姓名。1 李叔叔骑自行车旅游,他前3天骑了264千米,照这样的速度计算 选一选。1 下面算式中计算结果等于8的是。a 24 8 2 b 24 8 2 c 24 8 2 d 24 8 2 2 下面算式中运算顺序一样的是。a 27 3 7 b 25 4 20c 72 4 2 6 3 0...


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abb 胖乎乎绿油油乐呵呵水汪汪兴冲冲毛茸茸笑嘻嘻火辣辣笑盈盈。aabb 舒舒服服严严实实隐隐约约郁郁葱葱恍恍惚惚蹦蹦跳跳形形色色 aabc 心心相印彬彬有礼井井有条恋恋不舍楚楚动人落落大方空空如也。abcc 得意扬扬生机勃勃可怜巴巴无所事事人影绰绰逃之夭夭清波漾漾。abac 不闻不问不知不觉不紧不...